Chapter 22

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It had been 28 hours since Caitlin fell into a coma. 28 hours of reading through hundreds of books, scanning through millions of websites, and praying for some sort of solution.

It was 8:37 in the morning. The sun hid behind enormous, puffy clouds that cast a dark shadow over the lab. Cisco, Savitar, and Harry didn't utter a word; the only sounds in the room were the turning of pages, occasional sighs, and a cup being set on the table after one was done drinking.

Patters of rain hit the windows, a delightful pattern of sorts. At times when one of the crew members, mostly Cisco, was about to slip into a sleeping state, the roar of thunder would awaken them.

They were working so hard, for so long, that they barely remembered they weren't alone. That is until a noise interrupted their research.

More specifically, it was Harry, who had jumped out of his seat, "Aha!"

Savitar set his book down as Cisco turned away from the computer screen.

"What? What did you find?" Savitar asked.

"I think we just found a way to save Frost and Snow," he whispered as he studied a picture of Barry, Kara, and Oliver that was hung up on a wall.

Upon a call, Barry whooshed in with Iris in his arms. Ron, luckily, was already on his way up to check up on the progress of the team.

"So, what happened?" Iris asked, hopeful.

Even though it was still raining, there was a sudden light in Star Labs, like the sun was finally shining through after days of darkness.

"Earth-38!" Cisco jumped in his seat, the caffeine getting to him.

"Kara's earth?" Barry questions, eyebrows scrunched. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Harry pulled out the lab's transparent whiteboard, where minuscule writing and all sorts of shapes filled the back and front.

"What are we looking at?" Iris asked.

"In simple terms," Harry said, "this is how we save Snow and Frost. We all know that Superman and Supergirl are inhumanly strong. However, nature likes a balance; there is a weakness for every strength, an evil for every good."

Barry nodded, "right, like Kryptonite."

"Precisely. After hours of research-"

"And he means hours," Cisco exaggerated.

"- We discovered that there are so many more different types of Kryptonite; ones with unthinkable purposes."

"A black one, Harun-El, can theoretically be used to split a person into two different entities," Savitar concluded.

Iris let out a gasp. It seemed too good to be true; the answer they've been searching so hard for had practically fallen onto their laps.

"And we for sure know it'll work?" Iris asked, hesitant.

Harry shrugged, "it has to. And if it doesn't, we'll find something else. We don't know what will work, but if the future's telling us anything, we know that something does, and we won't stop until we find it."

Savitar looked at Harry with gratitude and admiration. Maybe they weren't doing it for him, maybe it was only for Caitlin, but whatever it was, he was glad everyone was by his side for once.

"And where do we find the black Kryptonite?" Barry asked.

"Most likely where we'd find the green one," Savitar answered.

Iris nodded, finally understanding what Cisco had first said. "Earth-38," she repeated.

As the team walked into the medical bay to check up on Caitlin, they found Frost in Caitlin's place. Harry rushed toward the monitors.

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