No, it couldn't be true. No matter how much they wanted her back, Savitar and Barry knew the woman in front of them was not their mother.
"The speedforce?" Barry questioned.
"Ah, not quite right," she smiled, "I'm Nora Allen, your mother's doppelgänger from another Earth."
Savitar nodded, dare not letting a word out.
"She's a speedster," Future Frost explained, "she was the one who brought me here."
"No one else was willing to do it," Nora explained, "your future selves are very strict with time travelling," she looked at Savitar and Barry who looked at each other, uncomfortable.
"So, how long do you think you'll be staying here?" Iris asked.
Nora turned to Iris in awe, "we're not sure."
Cisco laughed, "you're not sure?"
Nora smiled, "it's complicated."
"Time travel always is," Savitar mumbled.
"We've already risked the plot by coming here," Nora continued, "but we had no other choice."
The room was silent, the team was itching to find out what this 'incident' was and Nora and Frost were dying to tell them, but knew they couldn't.
"Are you a scientist, Mrs. Allen?" Harry asked.
"No, just a former mother."
"Former?" Caitlin asked, worried.
"My son, Bart, he died in a lightning storm."
"The same lightning storm that gave you your powers," Frost assured her.
Nora smiled softly, "so you keep saying."
"Was he - Bart - did he look like us?" Barry asked.
"Yes, he was. Just like you two," she walked toward them only for Savitar to get up.
He winced in pain from the earlier fight and Caitlin rushed over to him.
"Ahem, so you'll be staying for a while?" Iris asked.
Nora nodded.
"Well, we have an extra room at the apartment."
"And Future Frost can stay with me," Cisco added, "though when Gypsy's spending the night, you might not want to be." Frost rolled her eyes but smiled.
"So, Nora?" Iris asked.
"If Barry's alright with it..."
"Oh yeah, sure," Barry smiled, happy to spent time with her.
The team spent dinner at Joe's house who was as confused as he could get.
"Wait so how into the future are you two from?"
"A year and a half," Frost answered as she dug into some lasagna.
"That's not too bad," Iris said, "how much can change in a year?"
"Barry saved you from dying in six months," Cisco replied.
"Okay, fair, never mind."
"Ron, are you feeling well?" Barry asked as he found him being a bit too quiet.
"Hm? Yeah, thanks."
"Oh, do you want some water or something?" Caitlin asked.
"No, it's okay," he tried his best to smile.

You & I | The Flash FanFiction| BOOK 2
FanfictionIt has been six months since Savitar and Caitlin had gotten together; six months since the West-Allen wedding. Everything seems to be normal, but normal only ever lasts so long for Team Flash. When future and past friends come to visit, the team i...