Chapter 27

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It was like a ripple in a still lake. An echo of a cry came from Matthew's fallen castle, and the strong, mysterious presence of Death filled the atmosphere.

He lingered above the two brothers. Death had seen a lot, but two brothers killing each other for love, well, this was a first. Matthew was gone for good, he felt the void in the body, but he was unsure if Ron's soul could be taken. The man was fighting so hard to stay alive, so hard to get his last sentence out, and hence Death waited.

Savitar and Barry were the first to run in on the scene.

"Ron?" Barry cried out, falling to his friend's side.

Savitar stood behind Barry, face darkened.

"Barry ... I need to ... Frost ..." Ron let a steady breath out.

"I'm here! I'm right here," Frost shoved Barry out the way and held Ron in her arms. "Don't say anything. Caity's gonna fix you. Don't worry."

"Frost, please. Just take care of Jack. Bring him back to Central City."

"No, you bring him back. I'm not leaving without you."

"You've shown me what it's like to live for myself, and there is no greater lesson I would ever learn than the one you taught me." He coughed out blood. "You deserve love, but first you must learn to love yourself ... promise me, you'll love for yourself."

"Ron, stop. Please," Frost had never pleaded in her life.

"Let me go, Frost. I-Xavier. He-"

And with that, Death took him away too. The exact second Ronald Raymond from Earth-98 lost his life was calculable; the second he grew pale, and his eyes fluttered closed as he fell back into Frost's arms.

The three of them stood there for a minute, unable to fully comprehend the situation in front of them.

That is until Savitar spoke up, "what do we do?" He asked quietly.

Frost looked down at Ron's lifeless body, then at Matthew's.

"We have to tell the people," she stated as she got up, dusting her pants off.

"Frost..." Barry got hold of her shoulder, and she immediately turned to him, eyes watery. Barry pulled her into a hug, and a single tear fell down her cheek. That's all she was willing to let herself feel.

Ron may not have been the love of Frost's life, but he was a first. The first person who wasn't a team flash member that she truly cared about, and that meant more to her than anyone would ever know.

Barry held Frost's hand and walked out of the building, Savitar following suit.

A crowd had formed outside the castle, and the citizens watched carefully at the newcomers.

Even within the mosh pit of thousands of people, Savitar locked eyes with Caitlin. Her eyes filled with hope and anticipation. He shook his head slowly, swiftly, in a manner that only she saw and Caitlin understood. She looked down at Jack and carried him away. Savitar itched to run to her; to tell her that he tried to do everything he could because he did. But, as always, he couldn't. He had to put the city first, even if it wasn't his.

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