Chapter 15

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8 months from now

A loud horn woke Savitar up from his nap. He rolled out of bed and checked the alarm clock, it was 7:37 pm, nearly two hours since Caitlin had stormed out.

He sighed and called her again for the eighth time. It went straight to voicemail like it had the other seven times. This time, instead of ending the call, he spoke up.

"Cait," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I'm so sorry, I-I shouldn't have said what I said. Please, just come home. I need you to come home, please," he gulped, unable to find the right words, "I need you with me."

He called Frost next, "this better be an emergency," she hissed from the other side of the line.

"Have you seen Caitlin?" He asked, getting right to the point.

"What?" Frost said, more calmly, knowing that it wasn't a joking matter, "where is she?"

"We got into a fight and she just stormed out. I thought she was with you."

"Savitar, I hope you're joking."

"I'm not."

She sighed, "she's not with me, should I call her?"

"She's not answering any of my calls, so yes. Please?"

"Okay, I'll call you when I get answers ... and Savitar?"


"Don't worry, she'll come home, I'll make sure of it."

"Yeah, okay," he said, monotonously.

He flopped on the couch and sighed, angry at how he let it go so far. He got up, paced back and forth, then sat back down, only to get up again.

Finally, getting tired of sitting around, he ran out the house and sped away. He didn't know where he was going and he didn't really care.

After what felt like hours, he got a call from Frost.

"Hello?" He said out of breath.

"I called Caity five times ... no answer."

Savitar felt his heart drop and he let out a weary breath. Though he wanted to think it was nothing, that she was just mad and wanted to be alone, he knew deep down something was terribly wrong.


Two hours ago, at the West-Allen apartment, Barry and Nora walked in together laughing.

Iris looked up from her laptop at the sudden commotion and smiled when she saw her husband smiling similarly to when he was ten years old.

"Looks like you two had fun," she shut her laptop down and walked toward them.

"We just got some ice cream from the Mason Family Ice Cream Shop."

"Ah man, could've got me some if it hadn't mel-" Iris stopped mid-sentence when she saw Barry smiling, "what?"

"Iris, I think you forgot that you married a speedster," Nora smiled.

Barry took his hand out from behind him and showed his wife an ice cream cone.

Iris laughed in shock, "I didn't think-thanks Barry," she kissed him softly. Little did Barry know, ice cream was just the pick-me-up she needed.

"Well, you two enjoy yourselves, I'll get going."

"What? I thought you were going to stay for dinner," Barry asked, disappointed.

Months after getting to know Nora, he truly felt like she was his second-mother, just like in much ways Joe was his second-father.

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