Chapter 14

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While Caitlin worked on Thomas - or Icicle as Cisco named him, the rest of the team questioned Carla.

"What did Matthew want from you?" Barry asked. 

"He wanted to know if I could get rid of powers." 

"Like a cure?" Joe asked.

"A cure is meant for viruses," Savitar spitted bitterly. 

"Right, sorry," Joe gently touched Savitar's shoulder in apology.

"But can you? Reverse the meta-human gene?" Cisco asked.

"I admit, I did try and start a project a year ago when Killer Frost was at large, but I stopped after everything became some-what normal." 

Caitlin smiled appreciatively at her mother. 

"A cure could be really useful actually," Barry thought aloud.

Harry nodded, "but what would Hellfire want to do with one?" 

Just then, the door burst opened and in came Ron. 

"Caitlin," he let a breath out, "Barry texted me about your dad, I'm so sorry. I can't believe Matthew-" 

"Ron, it's alright. He's ... not my dad. He's just another doppelgänger," she said solemnly. 

Ron frowned, knowing this must be really hard on Caitlin, who was just trying to help him. 

He waited silently at the lounge until Caitlin walked in, finished the surgery. 

"How is he?" Ron asked. 

Caitlin sat next to him, "alive. I injected him with a serum, so if he's like me, his alter ego will be gone for a short period of time, just until we can ask questions. He's resting and the others are waiting for him to wake up, which may take longer since he doesn't have his powers at the moment. How was your day?" 

Ron smiled, "Future Frost is much more different than right-now Frost, in a good way though." 

Hey, Caitlin heard Frost say in her mind. 

Caitlin grinned, aware of the small crush the two have on each other. 

"And Nora is really kind, too. They both care a lot about you and Iris, they started at eight in the morning to find any sort of clue and they're still at it." 

"Why'd you come so fast?" 

He sighed, "well I couldn't really help much since they wouldn't tell me anything. Also, after hearing about Matthew and your dad, or dad-like person, I had to come. I can't even begin to imagine seeing my dead wife and father as someone else. I'm so sorry." 

"Ron, none of this is your fault." 

"But in some way, it is! I mean if I weren't here, none of this would be happening." 

Caitlin put a hand on his shoulder, "I don't think you understand how all this, it's normal for us. We fight people with faces we love more often than you think."

Ron smiled softly, "I'm still sorry." 

"We will find your brother, Ron. That's a promise. I-" before Caitlin could finish, she ran to a nearby garbage can and threw up. 

Ron rushed over to her and pulled her hair out of her face. After Caitlin finished, she got up, slightly embarrassed. 

"Are you okay?" Ron asked, scared. 

"Yeah, I-I just think today has been a little bit too much." 

Ron nodded his head, trying to believe her. 

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