Chapter 12

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"What do you mean he's gone?" Iris asked, just as shocked and confused as everyone else after hearing that Matthew had escaped their unbreakable prison. 

"I don't know!" Ron cried out, his eyes red from exhaustion, and his hands shaking in fear. 

Caitlin put a hand on his shoulder, "why don't we go to the lounge, get some coffee and you can tell us what happened, okay?" 

Ron nodded and followed Caitlin and Iris while the rest of the team went to the pipeline. 

They stood in front of the prison that had shattered glass all around. 

"Not my baby," Cisco weeped as he crouched down to investigate the scene. 

Harry rolled his eyes, "your 'great mechanic skills' couldn't stop a meta. You've failed."

"How was I supposed to know? He's not even a meta from our earth."

"He's not even a meta from our earth," Harry repeated in a mocking tone.

"Guys," Barry said in authority, this is not the time." He picked up a glass shred but then quickly dropped it, "ah!" He shook his hand. 

"What?" Savitar asked.

"It's hot, like really freakin' hot!" Barry replied. 

"You don't think he blasted himself out with his heat powers, do you?" Savitar questioned.

"That's impossible!" Cisco exclaimed, "the glass is specifically made to dampen meta humans' powers."

"Meta humans from this earth," Harry contradicted, "meta humans who received their powers from the particle accelerator." 

"Okay so his powers weren't gone," Cisco thought out loud, "even so, he'd need heat at least over 9000 degrees."

"Which is possible," Savitar shrugged, "it's crazy to think about, but it's possible."

Back in the lounge, Caitlin and Iris sat next to each other while listening to Ron's side of the story. 

"I knew something like this would happen. It's why I stayed here to prevent it, or try to anyways," he shook his head, disappointed in himself. 

"There's nothing you could've done to change the fact that he escaped," Iris tried to console him. 

"I wish I could believe that. I was right outside the pipeline, I made sure not to talk to him, to ignore all his witty comments, I did everything, but then I feel asleep. Next thing I know the glass is all shattered, Matthew's gone, and there's this stabbing pain in the side of my stomach." 

He lifted his shirt and Iris gasped. 

"Matthew did this?" Caitlin asked. 

On Ron's skin, there were the words, 'come find me' inked onto him with his own blood. 

"Hellfire did this," Ron whispered. 

Caitlin, without fully turning into Frost, iced the top layer of his skin, "that should help you heal." 


The next morning, Savitar and Barry were running across the world while Ron was resting at Caitlin's apartment. 

They stopped somewhere near Spain, Barry huffing, out of breath. 

"Wasn't that amazing?" Savitar laughed, exhilarated. 

"Yeah," Barry took a deep breath in, "I never really thought of running to a different country before." 

"Why not?"

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