Chapter 21

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"Cisco? Cisco!"

The Star Labs engineer was lost and had no idea what he was looking at. Joe's house was completely wrecked. The shingles of the roof were inside, the door was on the floor, the couch was flipped over, and there was an enormous hole in the wall.

He felt a hand shaking his shoulder and turned his head to find Cynthia, who wore a panicked frown.

He shook his head, trying to focus on the present.

"Gypsy? What're you doing here?"

"You tell me. I was home when I felt this ... horrible sadness from you like you were stuck in a deep hole."

"I should've done something..."

"What happened?"

"He - Matthew. Caitlin's blacked out. Joe's in the hospital. I-I should've done something."

Cynthia got ahold of his hand, "Cisco. None of this is your fault. You couldn't have done anything."

"I couldn't? For God's sake, I have the ability to see the future, and you're telling me I couldn't prevent any of this?"

"That's enough! You know what? You could have, but you didn't. So stop living in the past and go help your team now."

Just then, his phone dinged with a notification, "it's Savitar."

"Better get to it."

It was hard as a vibe to see different realities and different futures; there were so many possibilities, and no one really understood. No one like Cynthia. Her tough love was what he needed. He breached over to Star Labs, where Savitar, Barry, Ron, and Harry were conversating.

"Twins?" Ron exclaimed.

"Wait, Caitlin's having twins?" Cisco asked, excitement growing inside of him, "we're about to have Leia and Luke Skywalker on the team, or maybe Fred and George Weasley?"

Barry shook his head, eyes on Savitar, "we're supposed to be happy, right?"

Savitar sighed, "I would be if Cait was awake."

"That's why we wanted to talk to you," Harry said, "Caitlin simply can't carry three metas, it'll be impossible."

"So, what're we going to do?" Ron asked.

"The only option we can think of: We must split Snow and Frost."

Cisco felt the blood from his face slowly drain, his smile faded away.

"What? No! We can't!" He got up from his chair hastily. 

"Unless we want to abort one of the twins, or both for the matter, this is the only way," Harry explained.

"There has to be another way."

"Well, this is the only way that we, for sure, know is successful, considering Future Frost."

Cisco ran a hand through his hair, "you don't understand. I mean, we can get rid of the twins, right? You can have more kids."

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