Chapter 9

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"That's him!" Wally exclaimed as he sat in a wheelchair. 

Cisco hummed, "Lerox Wright. Born in Star city, moved to Central City after getting accepted to CCU."

"Central City University, that's where I go," Wally explained.

"So now we know that he was here when the particle accelerator exploded," Iris confirmed.

"The only question is what beef he had with you?" Cisco turned around in his office chair, hungry for the drama.

Caitlin playfully rolled eyes, though she was dying to know as well.

However, being the selfless doctor she was, Caitlin ended up saying, "you don't have to tell us."

"Actually," Savitar interrupted, "knowing the root cause of your problem could help us. I mean as heroes and stuff," he shrugged and Caitlin shook her head.

Wally smiled, "I know what you guys want, but honestly," he paused to cough, "it's nothing juicy. I just created a better model than him and won the state fair."

"Wow," Joe said, impressed. 

"Okay, then, let's get this show on the road," Barry said as he flashed into his suit. 

"I wanna come too," Wally tried to get up, but then fell back into his wheelchair.

"No way in hell is that happening," Joe said sternly.

Wally rolled his eyes, "I'm a speedster too! And I need to get payback." 

"Look at yourself," Joe raised his voice, "you can barley get up! You'd just be holding them back."

"Oh yeah? And how would you know that? We only met today!" Wally yelled back, not meeting Joe's eyes.

"Other than everything your dad said, you don't have a suit and everyone knows the first thing about being a superhero is the suit," Cisco pointed out.

"I'll just wear a mask or something," Wally mumbled.

"Uh, no way. Not when you have the best mechanical engineer right here in the building."

"Damn, nobody told me Felicity was visiting," Savitar said casually.

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't know sh*t. Oops, can I swear around you?" Cisco asked and Wally laughed.

"Wait, you'd really make me a suit?" 

"Of course, bud." 

All of a sudden, the computers beeped and Cisco ran to the them. 

"Um, it's Lerox."

"Where is he?" Savitar asked.

"Right outside CCPD."

"He probably followed me there," Wally concluded. 

Barry, Savitar, Ron, and Frost quickly got to CCPD to find people running in all different directions. 

"You'd think the police department would be a safe place," Frost smirked.

A large man who wore green iron-like gloves stood out like a sore thumb. He caught sight of the four and laughed. 

"I remember when people were scared of me," Barry sighed.

"That was never a thing," Savitar argued. 

"Yeah, people do seem to not care about you," Ron agreed.

"Lerox Wright," Frost shouted, and his smile quickly vanished at the sound of her loud, icy voice, "it's time to end your little game." 

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