Chapter 16

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8 months from now

Savitar couldn't think straight, he had too many thoughts in his head and he couldn't pick them out. He needed Caitlin. He ran to the medical bay to find Caitlin and Iris laying side by side, pale and lifeless.

He gulped, hoping somehow, by some miracle, they'd wake up.

He shut his eyes and fell into a chair, "how could I have let this happen?"


Earlier in the day, Caitlin was shouting at Savitar, "how could you even think of moving?"

Savitar sighed, "this is not you, it's the pregnancy hormones or whatever. Let's get you to Harry."

"What the hell? I'm pregnant, not some psychologically sick patient!"

The living room was now silent, Savitar didn't dare speak a word. He knew nothing was going to make this better.

Caitlin rubbed her stomach and looked at Savitar, "how long have you been thinking about it?"

Savitar, who was sitting on the couch, chin in hand, looked up, "about moving? I don't know, for a few months?"

She widened her eyes, "months?"

"Cait, I just-she's my daughter. You can't blame me for thinking of ways to protect her."

"She's our daughter. Don't you think I want to protect her too?"

"By keeping her in Central City? Where there're literal life or death situations every day?"

She rolled her eyes, "so what? It's not like there aren't any kids in Central City right now. Those parents could decide to leave, but they don't, 'cause they know they have people like you to protect them. Why can't Dawn think the same about her father?"

Savitar stood up, "Dawn?"

A small smile formed on Caitlin's lips, "yeah, I picked it out, do you like it?"

He walked up to her and cupped her cheeks, "I love it."

They looked at each other for seconds in worry and confusion.

"I don't want to fight with you," Caitlin whispered.

"Neither do I, Cait," he held her hand, "I don't believe in God, but meeting you ... it was like a second chance; for me to become better, to prove myself. You allowed me to judge and love myself in ways no one has ever done before."


"I know I don't say it out loud often and I guess it's because three words aren't enough to describe how I feel about you. I still remember when I saw you at that party Iris threw," he laughed, "it feels like it was years ago. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you that night. And when you talked to me, jeez, I wanted to hear you talk forever.

"That's when I knew I wanted you with me at all times, I wanna hold you and watch you laugh even years from now. When we're old and grey and we have grandkids. I just want to be able to live till then, you know. I want you and this thing that we have. Forever."

Caitlin had tears in her eyes, "Savitar ... I know you're scared. Having a child, I mean, I am too. I can't promise that we'll be together forever, our life, our jobs, it doesn't guarantee anything, but I know that if we're together, it doesn't matter if we're in Central City or a normal suburban neighbourhood, we'll work it out."

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