Chapter 4 (edited)

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"Zichen..where exactly are we??" Xiao Xingchen asked as he finally noticed that they were in a fancy looking place fit for royalty.

"You all are in Paradise Manor in Ghost City" Yin Yu answered his question, causing Xiao Xingchen to jump a little and A Qing to let out a yelp as the both of them finally realised that they were not alone in the room.

Xiao Xingchen felt nervous and uneasy because he felt tremendous energy coming from each of them which is similar to his shifu as he politely asked them "Ummm...who are you people??"

"Xiao Xingchen 'the bright moon and gentle breeze', Song lan courtesy name Song Zizhen 'the distant snow and cold frost' , Wen Ning courtesy name Wen Qionglin the Ghost General and little girl A Qing. Greetings I am the master of this place Hua Cheng also known as the Crimson Rain Sought Flower, Wei Ying's sworn brother and husband to Xie Lian immortal, justiceful, powerful and righteous Heavenly Marital Emperor

Xie Lian was blushing hearing San Lang complimenting him but regained himself as they rest introduced themselves.

"I am Nan Yan Zhen Jun, Martial God of the South East" Feng Xin introduced himself with dignity

"I'm General Xuan Zhen, Marital God of the South West" Mu Qing introduced himself as well

"Martial gods..." Xiao Xingchen's eyes widened in shock as he muttered out those words in awe. Wen Ning's mouth was hanging wide open and blinked his eyes multiple times. Song Lan was speechless as he heard stories and legends of their great heroic deeds.

He, Song Lan and Wen Ning quickly bowed deeply towards all of the immortals "It's a great honour to be in your very presence oh immortal ones!!"

"Gods!!! As in those powerful immortal deities who rule heaven and earth!!!! A Qing squealed in excitement "How lucky are we to meet such powerful people and royalty!!!"

"A Qing...mind your manners" Xiao Xingchen softly scolded her but then A Qing then asked them in confusion while tilting her head 'What's a marital god??"

"Martial Gods are one of the subcategories of Heavenly officials with the duties to fight against all evil and protect the innocent lives of civilians. The Cultivating World worships and prays to them for wisdom, guidance and strength." Song Lan informed A Qing who let out an oh in response

"Is it me or does he remind you of someone we know of?" Mu Qing asked Feng Xin who also thought of the same thing.

A Qing then and turned her direction to Shi Quangxuan and He Xuan

"Are you two also Martial Gods as well??"

"No, my dear child. I am Shi Quangxuan, the Lord/Lady Wind Master. One of the Five Elemental Masters of the Heavenly Court and this is my husband Black Water Submerging Boats He Xuan one of the Great Calamities" Shi Quangxuan excitedly introduced herself and He Xuan to them while He Xuan looked at them with a serious demeanor.

"..Black Water Submerging Boats..." Wen Ning's mouth was hanging wide open as he heard stories of the supreme ghost and his abilities.

A Qing was even more confused as she scratched her head " Pretty goddess...I have no idea what's the difference between an Elemental Master and a Martial God. Are they completely different??"

"Do you even understand what a devastation is?" He Xuan curiously asked her to which A Qing shrugged her shoulders

"Should I??"

"Wow...I never thought that we would meet someone who has never heard about us" Mu Qing sarcastically commented which resulted being hit by Shi Quangxuan by her fan.

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