Chapter 40

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In the realm of Diqiu...

There was an area that was heavily guarded with 4 soldiers wearing armor, with their swords hanging on the side of their waist and holding their sharpened spears, having their outside patrols. The place had to have the most secure levels of custody. Most under surveillance, heavily guarded with soldiers who shift every two day basis, secured with a spiritual barricade. Inside the area where one of the most powerful and dangerous people who have brought chaos and disorder among the celestial realm and mortal realm. It was built by the Sanren Phoenixes and the Dragons to lock away the worst offenders in all of Diqiu for decades, centuries, or eternity for life depending on the crimes they commited. This was also sometimes where those minor or major gods, part of the heavenly court or realm who have done minor crimes, are being held for a couple of months or years before being released. The soldiers/ guards on duty are skilled divine beasts or subordinates of the gods part of the heavenly court who are talented, skillful in terms of swordsmanship, strong in spiritual energy and flexible in terms of facing different circumstances.

The guards on duty stood still in their positions keeping eye on their surroundings, some were slouching their backs, getting bored or not paying attention as they were chatting among themselves regarding gossip, events or news they heard from their fellow guards or family members. 

"Today's the Qixi Festival..and here we are guarding this place." One of the guards sarcastically complained "Why are we on duty today??"

"Imagine all of the beautiful girls wearing their best outfits" Another guard imagined while playing with his hands "You see them dancing with their lively long hair.."

"Have you heard about the grand prize and what's the award for the top 3 winners??"

"I envy his majesty Tian Shou Wangchu for he gets to spend time with beautiful women.."

"He also gets to have handsome men around him.."

"Yeah no joke no wonder so many people envy him. He has good lucks, charming personality and all"

They continued having their small chat until they felt a strong presence of yin and yang energy coming from above. It was until then they heard a sound of wings flapping that caught their attention to see Wei Wuxian flying towards them with red fury wings on his back. As Wei Wuxian arrived at the area with his wings still flapping behind him, he slowly landed down on the ground with his wings shrinking into nothing like it wasn't even there in the first place.

 As Wei Wuxian arrived at the area with his wings still flapping behind him, he slowly landed down on the ground with his wings shrinking into nothing like it wasn't even there in the first place

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"We greet and pay his respect to his majesty Tiān shǒuwàng chū " All of the guards greeted and bowed in unison.

"Was there anything suspicious around here like visitors, unknown guards, powerful people who possess strong aura of yin and yang energy or anyone who claimed to have certain connections towards me or the person locked up here."

"No sire, there was no one else here aside from you today" One of the guards reported to him with a respectful salute while keeping his head low looking at the ground.

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