Chapter 19

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In Cloud Recesses

In the jingshi also known as Lan Wangji's private bed chambers, Lan Zhan was twisting and turning in his bed for he was suffering from a nightmare as his eyes were closing tightly and wrinkles were appearing on his forehead.

...In the dream..

He was standing right across Wei Ying who looked at him with no emotions at all in a forest.

He reached out his hands to the man "My Wei.."

"I'm not yours!!! Stay away from me!!! Don't you even dare touch me, you traitor!!!" Wei Wuxian backed away from him full of anger and disgust.

"Wei Ying please wait!! Don't go!! Please listen to what I have to say!!! Please, I'm begging you.."

"Hmph...what does the Great Hanguang Jun The great honourable second twin jade of Gusu Lan Sect, the perfect example for all of the sects begging something from me The Yiling Patriarch the most despised and hated vile person in the whole cultivating world plus your arch nemesis. What happened to your cold, distant, arrogant, prideful, unfeeling self??"

Lan Zhan cried out "No, that's not the real me!!!"

Wei Ying folded his arms and scoffed "Oh one of your victims, I beg to differ. You have left me with so much pain that you threw me away when I needed help the most. Trust me your as cold as ice and plain heartless"

"No..I'm know that I have a heart!!!"

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?? Me...oh please even if you do have a heart it's as cold as an ice block that will never melt."

He then stretched out his arms out wide "Wei Ying!!! Come back please!! I'll treat you better than before, I'll never betray you or let you go again!!! Please come back to me!!!"

Wei Ying let out scoff and mockingly laughed at him in response "This is truly something to see...the great honourable Hanguang Jun...the Pride and Second Jade of Gusu Lan Sect begging on his knees to me?? The Yiling Laozu, the person who is called a shameless, arrogant, despicable monster, the person who all of the cultivating world despises and hates the most. Supposedly the worst person who had ever existed" Wei Ying shook his head in disgust "You really got some nerves to beg to me"

"Come back to me...please go back with me to Gusu"

"Gusu?? You want to take me back to Gusu" Wei Ying's eyes turned red as let out his anger "You seriously think I would believe all of your lies? You want to bring me back there to do what? Torture me? Whipped me? Keep me caged like an animal? Like hell I would!!!!!!!!!!"

"Do you even remember what you did to me 5 and a half years ago?? Let me refresh your memory then" Wei Ying snapped his fingers changing the scenery into the exact room where they held the trial in Cloud Recess.

"Now do you remember the last thing that happened here??" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan who slowly nodded

Wei Ying looked at him with grim and insane look "Good..good..tell me everything you remember"

Lan Zhan trembled a bit before responding "We had a trial punish you.."

"What were you doing then??"

"..I...I..I was watching the whole thing go"

Wei Ying walked towards the middle of the room and kneeled down on the floor as chains appeared out of nowhere and were placed on his legs and hands. "Remember what happened next??"

Right after he said that there were a lot of people entering the room and started cursing, slandering, hitting and punching Wei Ying without any mercy."

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