Chapter 18

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"We are almost out of stock of talismans, double sided hot pots and telescopes. A lot of people are coming to Yuandao because of the bathhouses as well as the upcoming festivals. The fishermen are requesting if possible to get more supplies to build new boats" Lu Shangyang reported to them while handing Song Lan a list of other demands

"I would also like to report that the dried tomatoes, red bean buns, sweet egg buns and having hotpot are also garnering attention. It's boosting economy of Yuandao" Gongsun Yingjie added

"What about the business partners coming from the different regions?? Do they also have concerns??" Xiao Xingchen asked them to which Luo Qingyang gave a reply

"A lot of our business partners always say that they have run out of stock of our products since they have become quite popular.

"Specifically which product are you talking about??" This time it was Wen Ning who asked

"It's part of the list" Lu Shangyang replied "But technically speaking the fans, handkerchiefs, jewelries and outfits a lot of merchants and women ranking from different ages and positions even those coming from minor sects are coming to Yuandao to buy."

"Well..we did place talismans and arrays on them so that various people, even those with low cultivation or ordinary people can use them at ease." Gongsun Yingjie reminded them

"The war fans...there are times where ladies coming from different regions would attend the fan dance lessons we have here" Wen Qing recalled the moment where she and some of the older disciples had to teach different groups of girls.

"Which is also what Yuandao is famous for aside from the bathhouses and Ziyou Benfang - 自由奔放 (Free Spirited) Casino " Song Qing added with pride in her voice "Women are finally standing up and protecting their honour and rights at the same time showing that we are not to be ignored and equal to men"

"Aside from attracting a lot of powerful merchants, politicians, marquises, and leaders making us aware on what's happening in the outside world" Song Lan added "It also helps with the rumors regarding our sect and we learn intel about the events happening outside of Yuandao aside from the reports coming from the disciples."

"Although..." Xiao Xingchen had a sense of worriness on his voice

"What is it, Shu shu??" Wei Ying asked him

"Would it be a problem since we are attracting numerous people that the cultivating world would try to set foot or we garner their attention. We don't want history to repeat itself all over again."

"Well it's true that the minor sects are sending some of their disciples to buy the items we are making but it's all thanks to Mian Mian, Lu Shangyang and all of the merchants here in Yuandao." Wei Ying casually answered"Do you have any suggestions or requests coming from the medics and the local farmers??" Song Lan who nodded in response as he looked through the list before turning his direction to Wen Qing

"The herbalists were wondering if they had more land to plant more herbs and spices." Wen Qing informed them.

"How about the sect?? How are the disciples doing in their studies and training???" Wei Wuxian asked them while relaxing on his floor pillow, glad that he's no longer the center of attention or the topic is regarding his romantic life.

"Thanks to your invention of making the crystal necklaces, we are able to contact our disciples who are doing nighthunts outside of Yuandao." Wen Ning told Wei Ying while showing off the red crystal necklace that everyone from the sect including him received from Wei Ying.  

"I gotta say your inventions really improved cultivation and people's daily lives. Then again your a genius" Luo Qingyang

"A mad insane genius that always needs to have supervision no matter what" Wen Qing added with a proud smirk on her face

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