Chapter 32

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Meanwhile in Yuandao

"Go!!" Song Minsheng shouted and commanded the newly joined disciples who were practicing hand to hand combat using wooden dummies in the training grounds while Song Peizhi was lazily leaning on the pillar watching them while taking a bite from an apple.

It was a well known fact that most cultivating sects learn the way of the sword which makes a cultivator's sword their strength and unsurprisingly their weakness. If their swords were taken away from them they're pretty defenseless, tested and proven during the Qishan Wen Indoctrination Camp. Proper hand to hand combat is rare and few despite how useful it was aside for self-defense it strengthens the entire body, improves coordination, quickens reflexes, builds stamina and overall health.

"Be easy on them A Zhong" Song Peizhi mischievously commented at his brother who looked back at him looking a bit annoyed.

"It's one of my duties as 宗派继承人 (Zōngpài jìchéngrén - sect heir) to help our fellow disciples in their training. But this is supposed to be your job in helping the disciples and watch their stances and the precision of each movement they make as their 大势雄 (Dàshì xióng - eldest disciple brother)!!!!!" Song Minsheng replied back with an annoyed yet serious tone on his voice to Song Peizhi who winked at him before gesturing his finger pointing towards at once a certain male disciple who wasn't putting that much effort in training.

Song Minsheng arched an eyebrow "He is..."

"刘曼珠 (Liú Mànzhū - Liu Manzhu)" Song Peizhi informed him as he finished eating his apple. "He's one of the newly joined disciples. Aged 12, from what I hear he claims to be strong and able to fight using his fist and badly wants to become the greatest and strongest cultivator in his generation."


"Came from a well to do farming family. His father is one of the representatives of the farmers for the council. His mother is a well-experienced basket weaver."

"Why are we practicing hand-to-hand combat??!!" Liu Manzhu complained out loud as he furiously punched the wooden dummy with his fist "We're supposed to be training using swords or some special techniques instead of fighting these wooden dummies!"

Song Peizhi flipped his hair in a dramatic way "Finally it's about time that one of you will ask or bring that question up!"

He then winked at his brother who crossed his arms and stepped back allowing him to do his job as their da shi xiong.

The disciples paused whatever they were doing seeing him approaching them.

"Da shi xiong" All of them greeted him with a casual but respectful salute since he was the senior male head disciple

"Let me ask you all of you a question, if you were in a situation where you were surrounded by a group of dangerous people and your sword was taken away. What would you do?"

"Uuhhh...surrender?" One of the disciples answered nervously and unsure of his answer

"And act like a defenseless lamb being surrounded by hungry predators and die or beg for mercy or be a coward. No way you're going to do that!!! What happens if there are innocent people there who are there with you. Will you leave them to die brutally?

"No" Majority of the disciples replied in chorus

"Which is why it's important to be capable of doing hand-to-hand combat. Not only will it help serve as self-defense, it helps train your mind to keep your attention focused while remaining calm and alert."

"But it's not like it will help enhance or increase our strength..."

"Then let me ask you, Liu Manzhu, how do you define strength?"

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