Chapter 23 (re-edited)

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19 mortal years ago...

In Yunmeng local market place right inside the second floor of a liquor store. He recently escaped from being surrounded by the Jin Disciples who tried their very best in persuading him to defect from the Jiang Sect and join their sect by offering him money, clothing, girls..etc.

'Sooner or later they will get a hold of something to make me actually leave or defect the Jiang Sect' Wei Ying annoyingly thought to himself before he gulped down a bottle of wine

'Then again...I'm the Yiling Laozu...the demonic cultivator...sooner or later I'll eventually leave on my own will. No one would accept me for my cultivation or want to have anything to do with me..I can't bring down the sect due to my reputation and be a burden to Jiang Cheng..and shijie..'

He then stared at the empty room and felt really lonely so he whistled and summoned a couple of female ghosts "The dead are ones who would approach me except for a couple of people..."

A couple of ghost girls were looking at a stall selling flowers with a certain demonic cultivator

"Ah...this one here is pretty" A ghost girl exclaimed

"I think this one is prettier" Another ghost girl replied back

" you know what this flower is??" One of the ghost girls asked the rest of the group

"Ummm..I think it's Azalea??"

"Shopkeeper, bring me two more jars of wine" Wei Wuxian asked the shopkeeper who looked at them nervously before walking downstairs.

"Ah?? Y..Yes!...Yes!" The Shopkeeper replied while stuttering his words

"Shopkeeper!!!" A customer yelled out to him from the stairs

"Wh..What are you doing coming up??!! Quick go downstairs!!!" The shopkeeper quickly urged the man

"Huh??? Shopkeeper, why is your forehead all sweaty???" The customer confusedly asked out

"Haven't you noticed that the other cultivators are sitting downstairs because they're avoiding him??? I think those women beside him are not even human. They must be ghosts!!!! Hungry for human flesh!!!"

Meanwhile back upstairs

"This is not so bad"

"This is pretty!!"

"I like the red one!!"

"Hey, what are you girls playing?? Where did you get that many flowers??" Wei Ying curiously asked them as he saw the many flowers they were holding

"From that seller down at South street. We saw that his flowers were pretty so we took them" One of the girls informed him.

Wei Ying tilted his head "Took???"

"We saw him peddling in an alley from afar. So we waited until he walked further down the alley where there was nobody and we all floated all the way in front of him and then we did this with our tongue" One of the girls stick out her tongue and pulled off a scary face before letting out a chuckle "

The girls giggled among themselves

"That seller was scared witless. He even left running without his flowers!!"

Wei Ying let out an amazed chuckle "Why do you girls want so many flowers??"

"Obviously to express my feelings towards a gentleman!!!" One of the ghost girls replied before moving closer to Wei Ying "Gongzi (Young Master) you have a good view sitting on the balcony, help us spot someone. If you see any man who is good looking, you have to tell us"

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