Chapter 21

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"And that's how you identify the different ranking of resentful corpses and ghosts." Wei Ying finished answering one of the questions a junior disciple asked him. Currently he was in a classroom filled with so many disciples and older members, teachers and elders of the sect. They filled in all of the seats that there were so many people standing and squeezing to fit in the room. Some of the people brought floor pillows with them and sat on the floor, others were sitting on the stage while giving Wei Ying personal space as he was seated surrounded by comfortable pillows.

"Before you ask another question, I want to have a little trivial test. Normally we would use a box and everyone has to draw a lot to answer a random question about a topic or what was tackled in our latest session. But for today if you want to answer kindly raise your hand in the air so that I could see you" Wei Ying instructed everyone in the room

"Okay!!!!" Everyone in the room answered in chorus

"Great!! Let's begin!!" Wei Ying exclaimed happily what is a jinx monster also known as?? Yes.."

"Venerable of Empty Words!!" A senior disciple answered as he raised his hand

"And how do you defeat it??"

"There are different options, either you chop off it's head or not give it any mind or make your heart and mind stronger so that you won't be influenced by the curses. They also have a weakness of speaking a lie within three sentences"

'Excellent work!!" Wei Ying praised the disciple "Next question, can anyone explain what a kiln is??"

"It's the core of Mount Tonglu and where supreme ghosts are born!!" Lu Ting answered as she sat with her friends.

"Next question, what's a Gu Chai??"

"Ogres or diabolic monstrous agents of the underworld or the ghost realm" A sect elder answered

"You should also know that they are friendly to those whom they consider as allies but extremely dangerous if you're an enemy. Trust me I've experienced and hang out with them once in a while. Next question: name out the different realms and explain them each!!"

The audience were waving their hands at him hoping to be the lucky person picked.

" 2 in the very back" Wei Ying pointed at a couple of people in the back row. "Each of you will discuss each of the realms go!!"

"The Celestial Realm is where all of the heavenly immortals and celestial beasts along with the other minor deities reign over. Ruled by the heavenly council which is headed by the Heavenly Marital Emperor and soon to be you the future Monarch of the Celestial Beasts.."

"Well then do you guys want to start calling me his majesty or his highness??" Wei Ying jokingly commented, making the rest of the room laugh out loud with him.

"No way!! To us you will always be Wei ge ge or Wei Zhangwo!!" A couple of disciples told him with bright voices full of innocence and respect.

"Or 咸丁香(Xián dīngxiāng - stability and fortune) the famed flaming scarlet master of Yuandao" A female elder commented with some of the female disciples were giggling or dramatically fainting making the other  people in the room especially the children laugh

"Xián ge ge!!!!!"

This made Wei Ying a bit red as he hid his face and flapped his hands  "Continue please, who's next??" 

"Next we have the ghost and demon realm or it's also known as the diabolical realm. It's where the ghost kings rule all over the spirits, demons and yaos which is also combined with the mortal realm where we humans live. We have cultivators who fight and protect the civilians from evil yaos, demons, evil spirits and ghosts as well help them with their daily lives." A junior answered

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