Chapter 36

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Meanwhile in Diqiu

"I'm glad that you are accompanying me here, A Ying" Baoshan Sanren warmly told Wei Ying, who smiled at her.

"It's the least I can do 外坡 (Wài pō - Grandmother in the mother side), I know how you and the queen of the mermaid clan are close good friends with each other." Wei Ying replied with a smile on his face before scratching his neck "But why again do we both need to wear extravagant outfits??"

" Wei Ying replied with a smile on his face before scratching his neck "But why again do we both need to wear extravagant outfits??"

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Baoshan Sanren's outfit 

Baoshan Sanren's outfit 

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Baoshan Sanren's crown 

Baoshan Sanren's crown 

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Wei Wuxian's outfit 

"Do you feel uncomfortable with them??"

"No not really..well it's a bit itchy and tight"

"A Ying, we are meeting with our family friends whom we have a close bond with for more than 793 years. Soon you'll be doing things like this daily, meeting people who can be either family friends or enemies or people we have to keep a calm face whenever we meet no matter how annoying they can be." Baoshan Sanren calmly answered to which Wei Ying pouted in response

"But I have been dealing and handling most of your duties. What more will there be?" Wei Ying can't help but ask.

"That's only the tip of an iceberg, there's much more duties and responsibilities you'll have to handle. But don't worry, the 4 divine beasts are glad to help you with all of the work, especially the 朱雀 (Zhūquè - Vermillion Bird)" Baoshan Sanren grinned while gently patting Wei Ying on the head as the two were waiting on the shores for their ride to go underwater.

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