Chapter 14

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"This is utterly outrageous!!!!" A Lan elder yelled out and slammed his fist on the table in anger towards Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren

"We will never allow this to happen!!!"

"Are you all out of your mind!!!!"

"Who is responsible for this mad, crazy idea!!!"

"Quite absurd"


"Qiren what is wrong with you!!!"

Lan Qiren let out a sigh for he knew that this would be the Lan elder's reaction. A while ago the both of them called for an important clan meeting with all of the sect clan elders present in the orchid room. All of the senior and junior disciples were told to stay far away from the room.

5 minutes ago..

All of the Lan elders were murmuring and whispering to each other on what the meeting was going to be all about. Lan Xichen silenced them with a raise of his hand as he was sitting right beside Lan Qiren.

"I have called all of you for a simple topic, I believe it's time for a change" Lan Xichen straightforwardly told them getting to the point.

"A change??...what do you mean by this??"

"Our sect has been known for being a righteous and just sect, however for a decade we have been very hypocritical on following our sect rules."Lan Xichen didn't blink his eyes as he explained to them at ease "Our actions have harmed innocent civilians and we've became arrogant or prideful of ourselves."

"Prideful??? Such nonsense!!"

"We have no idea what you are talking about!!"

"How dare you call us arrogant!!!"

'What kind of change are you two talking about??" One of the kinder and softer Lan Sect elders asked them.

Lan Qiren then handed them each a copy as they read and analyze of paper they let out a gasp or shaken in horror as they read what's written there

"A change in the rules" Lan XIchen openly declared out loud, which started a lot of outrageous cries

Back to present time



"Is this because of the Second Jade's affection towards the Yiling Laozu???" An elder shot a glare at them as Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren bothe forze

"No it's not..." Lan Xichen tried to answer back

"That bastard Wei Wuxian!!!How dare he bewitch him!!!"

"Of course he's a demonic cultivator!!!"

"He has even bewitched the sect leader how malicious he is!!!"

"How dare he be the son of a servant!!"

Hearing the elders say, spit, and taunt horrible words and curses to Wei Wuxian made Lan Qiren remember what he said to the boy during the first day of the Gusu Lan lectures 13 years ago as the words played on his mind.

"If you've got the answer, the cultivation world would never allow you to exist! Get Out!" He now really regrets misjudging, insulting and disrespected the poor boy without giving him a second glance..

Lan Xichen proceeded to tell them the events and what they along with the other major sect leaders learned when performing empathy about all of the sufferings and sacrifices Wei Wuxian had experienced and how the Jins fooled them all by allowing many people's lives lost, women and children facing harrasment and mass murder. This enraged the Lan elders as they lashed out their disdain and at the same time trying to defend their actions and choices.

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