Chapter 7 (edited)

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Sizhui and Jingyi arrived in Lotus Pier as they stepped out from their swords and smiled happily at Jin Ling who stood above the docks waving at them with a grin on his face

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Sizhui and Jingyi arrived in Lotus Pier as they stepped out from their swords and smiled happily at Jin Ling who stood above the docks waving at them with a grin on his face.

"What brings you two here??" Jin Ling asked them as the two Gusu Lan members landed on the docks

"We have a secret message for your uncle and it must be given now" Sizhui explained

They both explained to him secretly not making their voice loud for other people to hear them. Jin Ling yelled at them with a furious and irritated face

"Come on you two" He dragged them both by the arm towards the mansion "You better explain that to my uncle in person and pray that he will be merciful. He among all of us hates that vile man more than anyone. He had to live his whole life with that traitor by his side his whole life!!!"

Jin Ling barged through the mansion and found his uncle alone in the Lotus throne room.

"Uncle!!! Is there anyone else here???"

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"Uncle!!! Is there anyone else here???"


"Good" He threw the boys forward and quickly shut all the doors and windows with bindings and placed a silencing barrier so nothing seen or heard would escape from this room. "This two have a secret message from the GusuLan Sect and this is the only way to do that"

"It's also important for Jin Ling to know about this as well" Sizhui added before addressing the issue to Sect Leader Jiang

"Sect Leader Jiang" Sizhui took the letter out of his robes and gave it to the said man as they also brought out a pouch and opened it to reveal the hidden garments

Jiang Cheng jumped to his feet after reading the letter and grabbed Sizhui by the collar "What is the meaning of this???"

"I swear it is the truth!!!" Talismans were found in every garment we have. Even though they looked like his handwriting they are just trying to copy them. Hanguang Jun even expected the writings and confirmed it himself.

Jiang Cheng directly ripped off his outer robes and found 4 of the said talismans and quickly removed Jin Ling's and found another 4

"But....but...then..that....that would m...mean..that..that...we..were all...wrong about...him.." Jiang Cheng was lost at words, filled with guilt and regret

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