Chapter 9 (edited)

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They have been doing empathy for 2 hours and once they stopped Lan Xichen looked like he was about to collapse and became very pale. The brother who he tried to defend countless times from accusation to accusation turned out to be a monster toying all of them, especially him. 'A Yao killed them, he killed countless people including Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli, and Da ge. Wei Wuxian was right all along..he has been trying to tell us but we never believed him and condemned so many times..until we drove him away.

He then glanced at his younger brother with so much guilt and regret '..Wangji...would you ever forgive me???'

Jiang Cheng was gripping Zidian as he panted clutch the area where Wei Wuxian's golden core rested. He allowed tears to roll down as he grieved and scold himself for harming his former brother. He was as bad as Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao when they harmed and destroyed Lotus Pier. He was truly an ungrateful bastard.

Lan Qiren was in a huge state of denial as he saw how much they ignored and did. They hurted an innocent man who tried to protect them with his own life. He saw how many people suffered at their hands, negligence and foolishness. Wei Wuxian was right about them..about everything that happened, it was them who were the true villains of the world. He had wronged the boy so many times ever since he stepped in Cloud Recesses. Perhaps his mother Cangse was right about him and his clan's rules. He had always discriminated and cursed the boy for his antics and for taking the heredity path...he took pride in following all of his sect clan's rules but in truth he broked a lot of them because of his prejudice of the heretic path but he ignored the truth.

Nie Huaisang was grieving for his brother, he felt so relieved that his former suspicions about Jin Guangyao and Su She were proven to be through but he felt horrible for treating Wei Wuxian in a horrible way like how the Wens treated them before. But he felt so remorseful for he had hurt his friend who knew and appreciated the real him.

Lan Zhan was doing way worse among all of them. He became deathly pale, gripped his fist and stared down on the ground. Tears rolled down from his eyes but luckily his long hair served as a curtain so that others won't see. He kept on mentally scolding himself for his actions and for everything he had done to Wei Ying and how much he had hurt him...

'I allowed myself to listen to the words of that traitor. I listened to the world instead of you. I lost you those thirteen years, you were condemned to die all those years for someone's crimes. You still helped the people who cursed your name, and wished your death. The world gave you betrayal, pain, abomination and yet you kept a smile on your face everyday.'

'This world is not worthy of your kind, self-sacrificing, lively, thoughtful, magnificent, beautiful and clever soul that has ever existed...I am not worthy. Your fragile life being torn apart so many times and I was a bystander watching you suffer then I took part in making you suffer. You've been trying to tell me by giving out hints but I ignored them. When I learned about your golden core I promised myself to stay by your side and if my family goes against you I'll stay by your side, but I didn't, instead I let you suffer again, I said those harsh words to you..I drove you away. I doubted every word you said again.

He then remembered what Wen Ning told him in Lotus Pier on how Wei Ying begged for Wen Qing to do the golden core transfer theory on him, how he spent two nights and one day awake during the whole process which only had a 50% chance of succeeding and 50% chance of failing. The reason why he never carried his sword and turned to crafty tricks. He doesn't have a golden core anymore, he can't practice swordsmanship anymore. They have broken him and condemned him again and again..

Will you ever forgive me...will you give me a third chance to make things right. I know that I'm not worthy of staying by your side, but I will find you, I would search the whole world to find you no matter how long it takes to beg for your matter how long it takes'

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