Chapter 42

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For this chapter, Wei Wuxain will be addressed as Xian Dingxiang

Ziyou Bengfang is one of the hottest areas in Yuandao, especially for merchants, nobles, traders, art lovers, or those who love and enjoy the fine arts. The structure and physical interior of Ziyou Bengfang is a 5-floor building with the highest floor being Xian Dingxiang's office. The first, second, and third floors are Ziyou Bengfang's casino, stage, and auction house. The fourth floor is only for the staff to enter when they want to rest, on break, or hang out when it's not their shift.

Ziyou Bengfang is also well known for its spectacular performances of various artists regardless of age, gender, nationality, and status. Aside from being a casino where people can gamble, it's also an auction house where the wealthiest can buy expensive materials. Artist and Craftsmen can sell off their treasured items and artworks. Or collectors or jewel merchants can sell their jewels, crystals, and diamonds. This is also where people can gossip about the latest news about the royal court or the wuxia world.

The master of it all is Xian Dingxiang, known to others as the Flaming Scarlet of Yuandao. On how he got the title, people would say that because of his amber eyes that look like a flame has been enlightened, those who have made eye contact with him can feel a powerful charismatic aura coming from him. Others say that his foreign features make him look so attractive and sinful to lust for. 

So back to the story...

手機響起你傳來的訊息 (Shǒu jī xiǎng qǐ nǐ chuán lái de xiāo xī)

迫不急待地回應 (Pò bù jí dài de huí yīng)

想知道現在你會在哪裡 (Xiǎng zhī dào nǐ xiàn zài huì zài nǎ lǐ)

卻不懂該怎麼問你 (Què bù dǒng zěn me wèn nǐ)

刻意經過你愛的咖啡廳 (Kè yì jīng guò nǐ ài de kā fēi tīng)

猜想你是否在這裡 (Cāi xiǎng nǐ shìfǒu zài zhè lǐ)

上網搜尋你愛看的電影 (Shàngwǎng sōu suǒ nǐ ài kàn de diàn yǐng)

刻意製造共同的話題 (Kè yì zhì zào gòng tóng de huà tí)

好想和你手牽手去旅行 (Hǎo xiǎng hé nǐ shǒu qiān shǒu qù lǚ xíng)

你就是我最深刻的風景 ( Nǐ jiù shì wǒ zuì qīnjìn de fēngjǐng)

想和你養一隻哈士奇 ( Xiǎng hé nǐ yǎng yī zhī hà shi qí)

和一隻任性的小貓咪 ( Hé yī zhī rèn xìng de xiǎo māo mī)

好想和你寫一首Melody (Hǎo xiǎng hé nǐ xiě yī shǒu Melody)

你就是我最美的主旋律 (Nǐ jiù shì wǒ zuì měi de zhǔ xuán lǜ)

想和你唱著歌說愛你 (Xiǎng hé nǐ chàng zhe gē shuō ài nǐ)

像一部電影 (Xiàng yī gè tè xìng)

It's all about you and me (It's all about you and me)

The crowd applauded and cheered for a wonderful performance. The man helped the woman stand up from her seat as they both bowed towards the audience with huge grins on their faces and waved to their fans before stepping down from the stage.

"An interesting pair of siblings you have scouted Xian Dingxiang, I wonder what are your requirements when searching for talented performers," A deep male voice asked the person who was seated across from him on the highest floor and the most exclusive room offered in the building. The room windows were open so that they could watch the live performances on the first floor. 

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