Chapter 15 (edited)

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"Hua Hua, what do you want to show me??" Wei Wuxian asked the Crimson Rain Sought Flower as they were standing on top of the rooftop with the wind blowing their hair

"Take a good look down there Xiao Hong" Hua Cheng pointed to a scene down there on the street. This made Wei Wuxian's eyes widen as he saw the view below him.

On the streets people were throwing garbage and food while shouting out horrible words and threats to two figures who were being paraded on the streets while being locked in a cage pulled by horses with a couple of guards leading the way.

Jin Guangyao and Su She looked very horribly dressed with burned marks on their body, their robes were now tattered and surrounded with piles of garbage in their cages. Their hands and ankles chained as they cover their faces from the angry crowd who continuously throw food aiming at their faces. Some of the spirits ran towards and climbed on the cage to shove a punch or a piece of their mind.

"How dare you!!"

"This is for my family!!!"



"Give me back my children!!!"

"Take that!!!"

"You've ruined my life!!"

Jin Guangyao and Su She struggled in protecting themselves while hovering in fear as the crowd became larger and larger and more people threatened and demanded them to be torture without any mercy.

"So...they are actually here?? Since when and how did they die??" Wei Ying didn't remove his gaze from the view

"They have been on a trial and judged by the mortal realm who stupidly took a long time to find out but in the end they died a pretty interesting well deserved way. Thank the mad genius or the person who suggested what kind of methods to give them a slow but painful death" Hua Cheng crossed his arms with a huff. "They have been here for 2 months"

"Who's idea was to parade them on the streets??"

"That was Jian Lan's idea, she was in rage when the younger female ghost prostitutes who lost their lives as well as their children's lives spoke up about who were the ones behind their deaths. Besides, you didn't think that was all for the two of them??"

Wei Ying raised a single eyebrow as Hua Cheng narrated to him what happened

2 months ago..

In the dungeons there were two ghosts heavily chained on the side of the walls awaiting trial by the request of the Heavenly Marital Emperor and the Crimson Red Sought Flower

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In the dungeons there were two ghosts heavily chained on the side of the walls awaiting trial by the request of the Heavenly Marital Emperor and the Crimson Red Sought Flower.

Soon the door of the cell was unlocked and a couple of guards stormed into the room unchained the men from the wall while putting cuffs and chains on their arms and led them out of the cell.

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