USJ Attack (Part One)

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Iylla's POV

"Aright, Today's class is going to be a little different than normal." Mr. Aizawa spoke. "You'll have three instructors; Myself, All Might, and one other UA teacher."

Three teachers?

We must be doing something awesome if they needed three teachers to keep tabs on all of us.

"Sir, what kind of training are we doing today?" Sero asked.

"Rescue training." Was the answer. "Today, you'll be dealing with natural disaster situations and such."

As per usual, the class began to share their excitement. Before they could get too carried away, Mr. Aizawa spoke again. 

"Listen up. I'm not done talking yet." Mr. Aizawa opened up the back wall that concealed our hero costumes. "We're going to the USJ, so change into your costumes and head down to the bus bay as quickly as possible."

-----------------Time Skip ------------------

Ojiro and I were standing with the rest of the class at the bus bay when we heard a sharp whistle in the air. We turned in the direction it had come from and saw that it was none other than the class rep who had blown the whistle. 

"Everyone, please use your student numbers and create two single-file lines in which we can load the bus efficiently." Ida directed, blowing the whistle several more times.

"Wow, he's really taking the whole 'class rep' thing seriously, isn't he?" Ojiro scratched his head.

"Why wouldn't he?" I shared his nervous look. "He's Ida."

We humored Ida and lined up the way he asked, but it turned out that the bus had an open layout interior which ruined the seating strategy Ida had planned.  So once they were on the bus, everyone just sat wherever they wanted to.

"Sorry, Ida." I squeezed his arm as he cringed at the disorder before him. "Come sit with us."

Ojiro and I took our seats, and Ida followed behind us.

"Romance," Ojiro whispered in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, shut it." I hissed at him. 

"The disorganized chaos is atrocious," Ida complained, thankfully unaware of what Ojiro had said.

"You know, Ida, you really need to relax," Mina said from across the bus.

"Yeah, Ida," Asui agreed. "And while we are all talking about the obvious, there's something I've been meaning to point out." 

"Oh, yeah? What about?" Midoriya asked.

"About you, actually."

Midoriya adopted a shocked and nervous expression as Asui spoke.

"Does Midoriya's quirk remind anybody else of All Might?"

My eyes went wide at the mention of the number one hero. I pulled out the mental file I had started on Midoriya and remembered that when he was fighting Bakugo during the heroes and villains training, I was reminded of someone. It was All Might. The single punch that destroyed an entire building reminded me of All Might. 

The rest of the bus continued to talk, what they talked about, I had no idea. I was too deep in thought to pay attention. At first, I wasn't able to put it together, but now that Asui said it out loud, I couldn't get it out of my head. All Might has been known to start storms with the forces of his punch, and Midoriya took down an entire building with one hit. 

I've spent a lot of my life studying pro heroes. I've spent a lot of my life studying All Might, specifically. I studied him because I wanted to know what it takes to be number one, so even though I consider myself to be a bigger fan of Endeavor than All Might, I know what All Might's punches look like. They looked like Midoriya's.  

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