USJ Attack (Part Three)

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Iylla's POV

I felt the shaking ground as the Nomu got closer.

I buried my face into my dad as I prepared for the excruciating blowback, but it never came. Instead, I felt the force of an explosion and saw Aoyama's blue Naval Laser light through my closed eyes. I looked up just in time to see Kirishima and Ojiro hit the beast with everything they were capable of giving. The beast stumbled back just enough for Shoto to send an enormous wall of Ice, separating us from the beast.

Bakugo mouthed the words 'knock, knock' as he rapped his knuckles against the barrier, but I couldn't actually hear him say the words.

I dropped the barrier and the boys rushed in. Dad must have used the last of his strength to shield me because now he was passed out. Ojiro and Kirishima helped me set him softly on the ground.

"Guess you're not quirkless after all, Quirkless." I gave Bakugo my dirtiest look but otherwise ignored him.

The ice wall in front of us shook from a powerful impact coming from the other side; the beast was trying to get through.

"Come on guys, let's go," Shoto said calmly while the rest of us eyed the wall warily. We jogged a little bit away and only stopped once we were hidden behind a nearby wall. I laid dad on the floor, and he groaned from the movement.

"Sorry, dad," I whispered, even though he couldn't hear me.

"So Quirkless, feel like sharing a few things with us?"

"A few things like what?" I replied harshly.

"Iylla, you've already shown your hand; there's no use in saving your quirk for the sports festival anymore," Shoto cut in.

"How-" I looked at him in shock. "How did you know that's what I was doing?"

"I know you." his eyes shifted into sadness. "At least I used to."

"Yeah, Yeah. You two had a tragic falling out, we get it." Bakugo dismissed unsympathetically "Now spill, Quirkless."

I hesitated but reluctantly shared with the group.

"My quirk, it's called Barrier." I sighed, wondering how much information I could keep to myself. "Basically, I can put up a forcefield. It's impenetrable, not even air gets through."

"Which is why you know a whole bunch of breathing techniques." Bakugo realized. "Oh don't act surprised that I noticed." He said angrily right before I was about to accuse him of being a stalker.

"And the forcefield takes all the damage for you?" Bakugo asked. "Also, how much force can your forcefields take."

"Okay, now you're just taking advantage of the situat-"

"Iylla." Shoto's voice reigned me in. "We all need to know."

"Gahh." I groaned in frustration. These were exactly the questions I wanted to avoid. "My Barrier will take 75% of the damage for me; the rest is directed into my body. I call it blowback."

"I asked two questions, Quirkless."

"I'm getting to it!" I shouted. "As long as I have the will to keep my barrier up; Nothing can take it down."

"Will?" Bakugo laughed a hearty laugh. "Must be nice to have it easy."

"Easy?!? Do you know what 'will' means? because it's different than 'want'." My head snapped in his direction. "Why don't you try taking hit after hit, and maintaining your resolve, all the while running out of breath?"

"Guys!" I heard Midoriya's voice fill the air, distracting the group from my sudden rage. "What's the next move?" he asked while approaching alongside Asui.

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