Mending Fences

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Iylla's POV

My eyelids fluttered open for a brief second before shutting again. The first thing I became aware of was the pain throbbing Inside my brain. The next thing was that the pain wasn't exclusive to my brain; It was all over my body. 

"Gahhh." I groaned as I opened my eyes and tried to shelter my eyes from the bright light, but my hand didn't move from its spot by my side. My hand felt impossibly heavy like I was trying to lift a truck with my pinky finger.

I looked down at my hand and saw another hand wrapped around it. The mysterious hand belonged to my twin brother Shinso. Shinso was leaning back in the chair next to my bed, asleep. I wanted him to wake up and make the pain go away, but I also didn't want to be the one to wake him. Shinso hardly ever got a healthy amount of sleep, so I'd rather sit here alone in my pain than disturb his rest. For now, his comforting hand in mine was enough. 

I looked around at my surroundings; I was in a white room, a hospital room. I gasped when I saw my dad in the bed next to mine. He was covered head to toe in bandages, and his arms were elevated above him, but his heartbeat monitor told me that he was alive. A tear strolled down my face at the sight of him. I didn't like seeing him in a hospital bed, but it sure beats seeing him in a coffin.

"You're awake!" Shinso's voice seemed small.

"So are you." I looked into his teary eyes.

"Iylla, I-" Shinso choked up. "I was so scared." He got up from his chair and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You were scared?" I tried to laugh, but it came out pretty pitiful sounding. "You weren't even there."

Shinso's grip on me tightened, and I felt the tears falling on my shoulder as he shook with uncontrollable sobs. "I know. believe me, I know."

I forced my arms to work properly and hugged him back.

"Shinso, Listen." The only sounds in the room other than Shinso's crying were the beeps of the two heartbeat monitors. "I'm okay. The beeping means I'm alive."

I held his body as he was overcome by his fears, the same fears that had their grip on me during the USJ attack. Our childhood fear. The fear that we would have to live the rest of our lives without the people we love. This was a fear instilled in us by our dad consistently getting into life or death situations and coming home with severe injuries. The worst part about it? The worst part was that if he did die, we wouldn't get to be pissed about it because he would have died saving other people's lives. 

I understood his fear, his pain, his tears; I wanted to hold him until I've chased them all away, but the weight of his body was starting to hurt me. I pushed him away gently and squished his face between my hands before letting him go. He leaned forward, kissed me on the forehead, and then sat back in his seat. 

"Where's Tama?" I asked.

Shinso was still sniffling and rubbing at his face, but he spared a glance at his watch. 

"He and Uncle Mic went out to get food like 30  minutes ago. I'll call him." Shinso pulled out his phone and dialed our older brother. There was a pause before Shinso spoke again. "Yo, where are you?"

I looked away; toward my dad. I watched his chest rise and fall, rise and fall, and silently begged it not to stop. I've never asked the universe for anything, but just this once I pleaded, I prayed for it not to take him from me.

"Well, hurry up and get your butt back here. Iylla's awake and asking for you." I could hear Tama's muted voice on the other end of the phone. "Ok, Bye. Yeah, whatever, I love you too."

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