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Ida's POV

Today was Iylla's first day of suspension. I looked across the room, missing the ability to see her just by turning my head. It was hard enough to concentrate on class when Iylla was here; now that she wasn't, it was nearly impossible. Mr. Aizawa lectured us on hero laws, but I couldn't help but wonder what Iylla and Bakugo were doing right now.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I had to fight the urge to look at it. I had been texting Iylla in between breaks all day, but I never got a response.

Class is almost over; I'll check it in a second.

Watching the clock run down, I tapped the pen Iylla gave me against the desk. Feeling a kind of anticipation that I've never felt before. It flooded my system and overwhelmed my capability to sit still in my seat.

No sooner than class finished, I pulled out my phone.

Iylla: Sorry, I missed all your texts. I haven't had my phone on me all day.

Iylla: Did you need something?

Figures I would spend the entire day wondering about her and when I would hear from her next, and she was off giving all her attention to her training. I laughed at how boyish I was acting. Iylla and I have been together for only a short while, and yet she was already occupying a large portion of my mind.

Me: No, I just missed you.

Iylla: It's only been one day; there's still six more to go. Mr. Needy Boyfriend of mine.

Me: I don't know how I'll survive six more days without you, Ms. Perfect Girlfriend of mine.

Iylla: Are you still coming over?

Me: Of course.

Iylla: Bring me food, please.

Shaking my head, I smiled at how different the two of us were. I was thinking about her, and she was thinking about food.

"Ida, can I talk to you?" Mr. Aizawa called for me.

"Uhh, yes, sir." I panicked.

Did Iylla tell him about us? Is she keeping us a secret from her own family? Do I act like I'm her boyfriend or like I'm her classmate? And if he does know, what do I say if he disapproves?

When the last of the class had filed out of the room, I walked up to Mr. Aizawa's desk.

"I assume you'll be seeing Iylla today, correct?"

"Yes, sir." I tapped my finger against my thigh nervously.

"Then I need you to take these to her." Mr. Aizawa reached into his drawer and dumped a load of paperwork on the desk. "This is the entire workload that she'll be missing this week."

"Oh, wow, all week?" Suddenly, I wanted to flip through the stack myself.

"That is what I said, isn't it?"

"Uhh, yes sir; sorry, sir."

"Will you drop the 'sir' already? You're making me want to convince my daughter to break up with you."

So he does know.

"Yes, sir- Uhh, sorry, sir-" I fumbled over my words, trying not to say sir. "Okay."

"Right." Mr. Aizawa looked at me with the same unamused look he shared with Iylla and sighed deeply. "Anyway, tell her that I'll be working until further notice and that I don't know when I'll be back."

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