A Stain on My Heart

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Iylla's POV

Beep Beep Beep

My alarm went off at 7:01 in the morning of the second day of my internship at Endeavor's agency. I rolled over and shut the alarm off, groaning the entire time. My eyelids fluttered and got dangerously close to staying shut. 

"Ugh," I sat up in the bed before I accidentally fell back asleep. "Why does the morning have to come so soon?"

Technically, I didn't have to wake up until 8:00, but I usually required an hour before I actually woke up. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to rub away the sleep while also scrolling through my phone. Apparently, tired me is not capable of multitasking because my thumb inadvertently opened my contact list. 

"Fine isn't the same as good." 

Yaoyorozu's voice filtered into my head through the cloud of grogginess. Yesterday, Yaoyorozu had called to ask for a favor, only to discover that I might need one as well. Knowing that I would never ask, Yaotorozu offered to lend an ear if I so happened to lack a proper outlet. I turned her down yesterday, but today the proposition was tempting.  

My thumb hovered over Yaoyorozu's name, hesitating for only a brief moment before hitting the call button. The phone rang and rang, making me think that she wouldn't pick up. Maybe it was for the best; what would I even say to her?

"Hello?" Yaoyorozu's tired voice came on the line. "Iylla, It's early. Are you okay?"

The sound of her voice made me realize that I probably should have waited until a more reasonable hour to call. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called-"

"No, it's okay." She reassured me. "I just got nervous for a second. You don't usually call me, let alone at this hour."

"That's my bad; I shouldn't have called so early."

"Iylla, really, It's fine." The sound of shuffling on her side of the phone filled up the temporary silence. "What's up?"

I paused, debating if I wanted to open up to someone or not. "I- I was just wondering if you had time to, you know, talk. About a certain boy."

"Oh, yes! Of course!" She sounded surprised, but she was definitely excited. "I told you yesterday that I was always available, and I meant it, Iylla."

"Thanks, Yaomomo," I said almost sheepishly.

"So... tell me what's going on."

"Uhh, I, umm. Well, It's like this..." My sentence trailed off as I found it increasingly more difficult to speak the words I wanted to say.

"I see." I could hear Yaoyorozu's mind thinking at 100% power, all in an attempt to figure out what I was trying to say. "Let's see if I can help pull it out of you, shall we?"

After a grueling half an hour, Yaoyorozu finally had the full story. She knew everything that happened between Ida and me since the start of the school year. For better or worse, Yaoyorozu was officially an Iylla x Ida ship expert.

"Okay, I think I get now." I slipped into a more comfortable position for the conversation that was coming up. "So... Ida likes you, and you like him-"

"Wait, wait! I never said I liked him too-" My face heated up at her accusation.

"Iylla." If she were in front of me, I'm sure I would have seen her rolling her eyes at me. "You like him. Let's accept that reality right here and now."

"No, I-"

"Iylla, yes you do," Yaoyorozu spoke to me like she was admonishing a child. "So... now that we got that all cleared up, what's stopping you from going out with him?"

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