Hospital Days

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Iylla's POV

The morning after the fight with the Hero Killer, Endeavor, Clark, and I walked into the Hosu City hospital for the second time this week. We were here to pick up Shoto, who had to spend the night in observation. In fact, all the boys had to spend the night in the hospital. Midoriya's legs were badly damaged and needed time to heal before he could go walking around. Shoto had lost too much blood for the doctors to feel comfortable sending him home; And of course, Ida, who had been hurt the worst out of all of us. On the other hand, I only had a couple of gashes, but they weren't anything to worry about. I was all bandaged up, and the doctors sent me on my merry way.

As soon as we walked into the hospital, lobby; Endeavor and Clark were stopped by reporters asking for comment on the night's events. Thankfully, the reporters didn't seem to care about the woman dressed in a plain black hero costume. People shouted questions at Endeavor, questions about the Hero Killer, and questions about the Nomu's that wreaked downtown Hosu.

I caught sight of Clark through the mob of reporters. When he saw me, Clark nodded, permitting me to continue on my own. Without hesitation, I walked off. Jumping in the elevator.

"Hold, please!" Someone shouted, so I obliged them.

I held the door open, but when the woman walked into the elevator, I knew I should have let the door close.

"Ah, thanks so much! You're a real hero! I really needed this story." The woman pulled out a notebook and hit record on her camera. "Iylla, tell us about the Hero Killer."

"No comment."

"What was it like, staring death in the face?"

"No comment," I begged the universe to make the elevator move faster.

"Okay, you don't want to talk about the Hero Killer? I'm sure it must have been a traumatic experience for you. How about we talk about Endeavor? Is he really as intimidating as people say?"

"Again, no comment."

"Hey, you don't have to be so rude." The woman complained. "I just need something from you. You're a really hot topic right now. So smile for the camera, and say something cute, okay?"

I felt the sudden urge to destroy the camera this woman was shoving in my face. My clenched fists were the only part of my body that reflected my inner thoughts.

"Alright, now let's talk about who you're dating!" The woman refocused, centering me in her lens. "There are so many cute boys in class 1A this year; you must have had a hard time picking just one. So, tell me who the lucky boy is! Oh, please tell me it's Shoto Todoroki! The two of you would make the perfect celebrity couple!"

"It's none of your business." I stared into her camera, hoping I was as scary as I felt angry. "I don't owe you any answers."

"Aww, don't be shy! You and the Todoroki boy will make a wonderful pair; the daughter of the number nine hero and the son of the number two? It's a gorgeous thought!"

Thankfully the elevator doors opened up, and I stormed away from the reporter.

"Wait! How was your first kiss? Is the Young Todoroki a good kisser? The whole country wants to know."

"Well, the country will have to ask Shoto because I wouldn't know."

"The two of you are on a first names basis? Adorable!"

"Look, lady, I hate to break it to you and the whole country, but Shoto and I have never dated, and we will never date, got it?"

"Okay, first of all, there's no need to get aggressive." The woman held out her hand as if she would be able to protect herself from me should I decide to attack. "Second of all, if you're not dating Shoto, then who?"

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