Back at School

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Iylla's POV

I was released from the hospital two days ago and had joined my brothers under Uncle Mic's overbearing wing. According to Uncle Mic, I had two options. I could either wait to return to school until my wrists were 100% healed, or I could return today with wrist braces. 

So here I was, standing at the door to class 1A, feeling completely useless. It's a sliding door, but I can't get it open because of the insanely restrictive wrist braces, My Uncle Mic forced me to wear. 

The braces prevented me from bending my wrist in a way that would allow me to slide the door open. Even if I could bend my wrists, the braces were so tight that my fingers were basically paralyzed. I was getting tired of standing around and looking like an idiot, so I slammed the bottom of my foot against the door and pushed it open. Once I had gotten the door partially open, I stuck my foot in the crack and pushed it the rest of the way.

"Iylla?!?" I heard Ida's alarmed voice.

"Hey, class rep." I entered the room and turned to close the door the same way I opened it. 

"Allow me to help you with that." Ida sounded distraught, probably because I was 'disrespecting' school property.

"I got it." I held up a braced hand and continued to shut the door, though I tried to do it more gently. Slowly but surely, the door inched closed. "See. I got it."

When the door met the doorframe, I lost my balance and careened to the left. Ida reached out and supported me by my arm. 

"Clearly." He said with a laugh and let me go when I regained my balance. "I wasn't expecting to see you today. Did you get my text this morning?"

"Oh, yeah, I did." I raised my wrists in front of him. "Turns out, opening doors and texting is near impossible when you're wearing torture devices as bracelets." 

I walked to my desk, and Ida followed.

"They are medical devices, and they were designed to help you heal." He sat down sideways in Midoriya's desk as I sat in mine. "If they are hurting you, then perhaps they are defective."

"They're fine, Ida," I said, amused by his serious personality. "I just don't like wearing them." I tried to unstrap the braces, but Ida stopped me.

"Ah well, I for one; like that, you're wearing them." He flushed and refastened the strap on my brace. "Because it means that you are taking the necessary precautions to prevent you from getting hurt again." 

"Thanks, Ida." I looked down at my hands and pretended that I hadn't noticed how red-faced he got. I massaged the exposed parts of my hands, but Ida quickly took over.

"Here, let me." Normally, I would have gotten angry that someone would invade my personal bubble, but I liked the feeling of his fingers on my skin. "You know, I would have thought that Recovery Girl's power would have healed you by now."

"She did her best, but I was unconscious through most of her treatments, so she had no idea if she was draining too much of my stamina to heal me." Ida's fingers slipped under my brace and massaged the area under it.

"Well, I suppose there was quite a bit of damage."

"It wasn't really that much damage." I scrunched up my nose.

"You were unconscious for a week!" Ida was aghast by my claim.

"I-" I struggled to find a plausible defense. "...I was tired?"

I looked at his blue eyes, hoping that he somehow bought that. 

"You were tired?" His face flashed disbelief.

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