The Attack on the Camp (Part One)

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Ida's POV

The League of Villains. They're here. And they are after Iylla.

"Iylla!" I tried to run into the woods after her, but Tiger thrust his arm out in front of me.

He kept his eyes forward, studying the villains in front of him as he spoke. "We've taken measures for this situation, remember? Iylla Aizawa will be fine."

I knew that. I knew all of the safety protocols in place, but it took everything in me to not run to her. As I looked into the woods, I noticed blue flames rising. And in the other direction, there seemed to be a cloud of pinkish dust floating in the air. They had us trapped. But we weren't the ones they wanted. 


"Wait, they're after Iylla?" Ojiro asked, looking as worried as I felt.

"Yes," I confirmed. "Iylla didn't want anyone to know; she would have kept it a secret from me too if I hadn't found out on my own."

"Crap," He muttered to himself, apparently upset with his best friend. "Why are you like this, you idiot?"

A bead of sweat slid down my face as I heard a voice speaking in my mind. A voice that wasn't my own. 

"Everyone!" It was Mandalay; she was the one speaking. She was using her quirk, telepath, to transmit a message to everyone at camp. "Two villains attacked us, but there are probably more nearby! Return to camp Immediately. Do not engage the villains. Aizawa, raise the alarm!"

The villain with the giant magnet laughed, increasing the pressure he was using to crush Pixie-Bob's head. "I could kill this Kitty so easily. How about it? Should I?"

"You get away from her!" Tiger shouted. 

"Now, now, calm down, Magne. You too, Tiger" The lizard man stepped between the feuding hero and villain. "When deciding if someone should live or die, we should always abide by Stain's standards."

A wave of chills spread across my skin at the mention of the Hero Killer, a realization coming to mind. "So you were inspired by Stain."

"That's me! A loyal and true fan of the Hero Killer." He pointed at himself proudly. "And you Four Eyes, I believe I recognize you! You're one of the self-righteous brats who took down Stain! Let me introduce myself; I'm Spinner! And I'm here to make Stain's dreams a reality!"

Stain's dreams? That meant killing heroes. And that means Spinner was not above killing heroes in training either. So, of course, every one of my classmates was at risk, not just Iylla.

"I don't care who you think you are. You're nothing but criminals!" Tiger stepped up, increasingly becoming more and more agitated. "The woman lying there unconscious is named Pixie-Bob! She's giving everything she has to these young heroes, pushing them to reach their fullest potentials! She's looking for a mate, but otherwise, she is happy. There's another one of us in the woods; her name is Ragdoll. And this one here-" He gestured to Mandalay. "-Is our fearless leader, Mandalay! Each of these powerful women has saved countless lives, and I will not let you cut their happiness short!"

"Hasn't anyone told you it isn't a hero's job to be happy!?!" Spinner charged the group.

"Tiger, I've talked to everyone. Trust the safety of the students in the woods to Ragdoll. You and I will hold these ones back until All Might gets here." Mandalay and Tiger placed themselves between the villains and us, creating a little wall of protection. "Class Rep! Take everyone back to camp. You're in charge on the way there."

I've never wanted to shirk off my responsibilities any more than I did right now. I knew I had duties to all of my classmates, but how could I leave Iylla alone with no one to defend her. 

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