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Iylla's POV

"Is that the hero killer?" I heard myself ask.

"Sure seems like it," Shoto muttered. "He's got the blades and the blood-red scarf to prove it. Not to mention, he's got a crazed look in his eye."

The Hero Killer was standing in front of Midoriya, holding a sword to his head. Even though he was in immediate danger, Midoriya never moved, not even an inch. 

If what the older Ida said was true, then the popular theory of The Hero Killer's quirk being paralyzation might be true too. If the Hero Killer paralyzed Midoriya, then he was essentially useless right now.

"Guys, you aren't heroes; there's nothing you can do for them," Clark whispered, staying safe from the Hero Killer's view. 

I turned to him, nervous about something he said. "Them?"

"Nevermind, that. Let's go find them some help."

Them. He said 'them' again. I desperately searched the alleyway for what I wasn't seeing. There's more than Midoriya.

"I think you're worthy of being kept alive." The Hero Killer said to Midoriya, leaving him crumpled against the wall.

Great, so he's a fanatic. 

The Hero Killer took his time walking, so I looked ahead to where he was going. My hand flew to my mouth, trying to keep from calling out his name and ruining our element of surprise. Shoto's flames heated my side, and I knew that he saw him too.

Ida laid face down on the alley floor, unmoving. If he was paralyzed too, then there was nothing he could do to defend himself. The Hero Killer didn't seem to mind that his prey was completely immobile; he just raised his sword above Ida's head.

"Stay here," Shoto told Clark. 

"Wait," Clark hissed at us, but we were already gone. 

We ran down the alleyway toward the danger, but we were too far away.  At this rate, The Hero Killer will have killed Ida before we got there. We needed a long-range attack to buy us time.

No, please don't hurt him. I silently begged. 

Coming to the same conclusion I did, Shoto said to me. "Iylla, I can't use my ice or fire. I'll hurt Ida." 

But what could I do? My binding cloth wouldn't reach that far; it took far too many steps to ready my bow, and my barrier throwing wasn't even decent yet. My barriers barely made it three feet off of my hand before they started to wobble in the air and careen in all sorts of directions.

"Nona, you're just going to have to do it this time," Shoto said, reading my hesitation.

My eyes began to glow, and my hair rose above my head when I opened barriers around my wrists. My arms were still sore from the intense day of training that I had today, but none of that seemed to matter now. I raised my arms, preparing to throw. 

Most people slow down when they get unsure of themselves. They slow down while driving through neighborhoods they've never been to before. They slow down when they get stumped on a question on their finals. They slow down when they get put into situations where they don't have confidence in their own abilities, but I didn't have that luxury. It was in my quirk's nature to not allow for the slightest bit of doubt.

He won't hurt you. I won't let him.

I sped up. I ran for Ida with every intention of saving him. I swung my arms through the air, knowing that my barriers would hit their target. The barriers sailed through the air, gaining more and more distance. I pushed them farther, faster, never thinking about what I would do if the attack failed.

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