Chapter 24

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6 in the evening. I arrived safe at Perez's Mansion. Akala ko nauna na rito si Athena pero wala siya rito. Buhay may asawa nga naman. Napatawa ako ng mapakla sa aking naisip.

Kung saan si Athena dapat naroon ako. Ito ang trabaho ko eh. To make sure she's in safe.

Nakaupo lang ako rito sa gilid ng pool. Malalim ang iniisip.

"Excuse me" a girl about 14 years of age approach me.

Her eyes and lips are the same with Athena. Siguro magkapatid sila. But at some point may hawig din kami.

"What are you doing here?" I remembered Athena. Bakit kuhang kuha niya ang pakikipag-usap kagaya ng kay Athena?

"I'm Athena's personal guard" umupo rin ito ng may kalayoan sa akin.

"Mom wouldn't need a guard. She can handle herself" Did I hear it right? She called Athena mom? Ito ba 'yong anak niya?

"Mom? Wait... Mommy mo si Athena?" takang tanong ko sa kanya.

"Ahh..." she thinks deeply. Probably, finding a way to deny what she said.

"You can trust me" paninigurado ko sa kanya.

"She's my sister but I call her mommy" then she hesitantly looked away.

I can sense that she doesn't want to lie.

"What is your name?" I asked para naman di gaanong gumagambala sa kanyang isipan ang pagsisinungaling n'ya.

"I'm Zarniah Royce Perez-Devalgue" she smiled sweetly. My heartbeats running fast.

Royce.. That.. That was.. Succesful ba ang nagawa namin? I remembered, we promised to each other that if our baby is girl, we named it Royce. A combination of our name, Rose and Jayce.

Tumulo ang mga luha ko. Mababawi ko pa kaya kayo?

"Why are you crying?" she then wiped my tears. I hugged her. "Okay ka lang?" Sorry. I know it might sounds crazy but it feels like she is my daughter.

I kissed her forehead and mouthed sorry.

"Ang ganda ng pangalan mo. Kasing ganda ng pagkalikha sa'yo" I can't stop the happiness in me. I have to ask her more. "Sa'n tatay mo?"

"I don't have one" mapait itong ngumiti sa akin. Bakit wala? Naging Devalgue na sila.

"'Di ba Devalgue ka?" tanong ko. "Sa pagkakaalam ko kasi ay Perez 'yang mommy mo noong dalaga pa siya" she chuckled to what I've said.

"Nalaman niyang hindi siya isang ganap na Perez po. Way back when mom's at 17 of age, she find her biological father. My Papa-lo to be exact, he's name was Mr. Kieth Devalgue. Kaya ayon naging Devalgue kami" mahabang lintaya niya.

All this time. She isn't a real Perez. I could have fight for our love before. Mali ang hinala ko'ng may asawa na siya. And now, I am willing to fight for you Athena. Wait for me, I will get the two of you.

Is it Worth Fighting for? (Pride Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon