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*1 year later*

To say a lot had happened in the past year for the Mirror kingdom would be an understatement. 

Firstly, Sejun's boss had been transferred to one of the other, arguably more secure (if that was possible) prisons, and had been sentenced for his crimes against the kingdom. Everyone had said that the easiest way to ensure he had a suitably long sentence was to charge him for multiple accounts of murder, to which Seungsik agreed, and the eldest prince spoke to the judge overseeing the case. Luckily, after an explanation, the judge had made the decision to give a full life sentence, having heard from both Minhee and Sejun. 

The sense of relief that was felt by the three formerly 'employed' by the sentenced man was like nothing they had ever experienced before. They could all finally get on with their lives and live without the fear of not knowing if something could happen to them because of that man. 

Subin didn't think he could ever see someone smile so wide after Sejun told him the good news about all that had happened, it even beat the smile from when Seungsik had told them his decision on the matter originally. 

Speaking of Seungsik, he had finally been made king.

The three brothers' parents had decided that it was time for them to hand over the rule of the kingdom to their eldest son, finally entrusting him with everything and leaving him to his own devices. Although, for him, not much had changed, as he was used to the pressures of making the big decisions concerning the kingdom already, seeing as his parents had almost completely left him to do so for the last few years. 

Seungsik had never felt the need to have a queen at his side, he believed that he was better off without, preferring to be alone, but Chan had remained at his side. He was still the first person that Seungsik went to for help with decisions, or just to talk to about the pressures of being a new king in a kingdom as intricate and tangled as the Mirror Kingdom. It hadn't exactly been left in an adequate state by his father, the previous king, but he was determined to change that and make the Mirror Kingdom respectable again.  

Chan had also taken on more responsibilities within the kingdom too, wanting to relieve some of the pressure that was placed on Seungsik. He also wanted to look out for Seungsik. The two of them had been friends for as long as they could remember, and Chan wanted to back him up in any way he could.

Neither Seungsik nor Chan knew about Seungwoo and Byungchan, even after everything, they had managed to keep it quiet, and planned on doing so until both of them felt ready to tell everyone. They both knew they would receive backlash from people, because once the word got out around the palace it would spread through the kingdom like wildfire, and many people would not be supportive at all. 

Seungwoo had ensured that Minhee stayed in the guard's accommodation, even after everything had calmed down, and had eventually managed to get Seungsik's permission to allow Minhee to stay permanently (of course with his agreement) in the palace grounds. He had gone into training to become a guard, along with some of the other 'recruits', but had been put in with some of the 'recruits' who had been training for longer, due to his experiences and discipline. 

He had settled in well, meeting more people around his age helped him greatly, and he was beginning to open up and trust other people, not just Seungyoun and Sejun. 

There was one particular 'recruit' who Minhee had gotten close to, named Koo Jungmo, who had tried his best to get Minhee to open up and speak to him in the beginning, and everyone could see that there was a relationship building between them, platonic or not. 

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