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12:00 am

Elodie still couldn't sleep, so when she saw the muggle clock in Ginny's room that Arthur had bought her, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

Just as she lost hope, she wanted to go get a glass of water.

She slid out of the extra bed, opened the door, and tried her best to not make any sounds from the stairs that always creaked.

Elodie had found herself in the middle of the kitchen, reaching for a glass. It was only a longer finger tip reach, nothing major. She was grunting trying to reach for it, then she saw a hand reach out over here and grab it.

Fred apparently, couldn't sleep either. He did the same thing Elodie did. When he saw Elodie struggling to reach the cup, he laughed which echoed up the stairs. She never heard anything, and kept trying. He saw enough and walked up behind her to grab it, as he was much taller than her now from when they started first year.

"I think you wanted this." Fred said, his voice cracking with the word 'you'. Elodie giggled and thanked him. He out his hand to his throat out of embarrassment, and started to lightly scratch the back of his head.

"Couldn't sleep?" Elodie asked, taking a sip of her water. "No, I've tried but, I can hear Ron snoring through the wall." Fred replied, rolling his eyes talking about his situation. Elodie laughed, but then closed her mouth because of how noisy she actually was being. Regardless, she still laughed through her closed mouth. Fred began to do the same thing once he saw how funny it was to him, watching her hold in her laugh.

If anybody were to come downstairs, you would find a ginger that was super lengthy stomping his feet, trying to hold in his laugh, right next to a precious blooming teenage girl drinking water to hold her laughs in. It was a funny sight, while it lasted.

Fred heard heavy footsteps coming downstairs, and he grabbed Elodie's hand and hid behind the stairs. He was good at this movement because every time George and him pull their pranks, they ran downstairs to the tiny slot under them. He put a finger up to his lips, telling Elodie to be quiet, and she tried her best.

Molly had stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked around, sighing in defeat when she never found the noise. She walked back upstairs and Fred heard her bedroom door close from two floors down. They safely excited the small space, and decided to part from each other.

"I'm gonna try to sleep now." Elodie said, still smiling. Fred nodded, "Goodnight, El." "Night, Freddie."

The next morning, Molly had gone room to room letting the children know that breakfast was ready. When she made the stop to Ginny's room, she found Elodie was already gone. She went to check downstairs, and Elodie was there, setting the table. She was putting out the plates that Molly left by the counter, and giving everyone silverware. Molly stood there for a moment, smiling in awe.

Elodie heard the step on the stairs creek, so she turned to see Molly. "Oh dear, you didn't have to do all thi-" Molly begun. She was immediately interrupted. "No, Molly, I wanted to help since you've let me stay here while my mom goes away. Also, I like to help." Elodie replied. Molly wished George or Fred would do this. Hell, maybe even Charlie every once in a while.

Fred peaked from the corner of the stairs, and saw Elodie talking with his mum.

He loved when people got along with the other Weasley's. Family came first to Fred. As for Elodie, the only family of her own was her mom. And that was enough for her, anyways.

He smiled before heading down, and he made both ladies' heads turn.

"Heyyy Frederickkk" Elodie said, joking around with his name. "Mum she called me Frederick." "That's your name, dummy." "No, to you it's Fred, or Freddie." "Today it's Frederick."

Molly just stood there, watching the two pick fight across the dinner table. She told them to sit down and eat.

A few nights had passed and it would be the same old routine. Elodie woke up in the middle of the night, coincidentally meet up with Fred in the kitchen, laugh and talk, sleep, wake up, help Molly with all three meals, and just make her stay useful in general.

Errol had came knocking through the door, clumsily landing on the table where the family had been eating breakfast that morning.

"Oh, poor rusty bird. Percy could you fetch the mail, please?" Molly said. Percy held his hand out to the grey owl.

"Ah. Our Hogwarts letters. Elodie they sent you yours, too." Percy finished, handing out everyone's letters.

"Right then, we shall go to the Alley first thing in the morning." Arthur said, looking around at everyone. He then went back to reading a 'Diary of the Wimpy Kid' book. Arthur and his muggle studies really made Elodie laugh.

"Dad, anything new lately?" Ron asked. Arthur jerked his head up. "Well of course, my boy. Did you know there is something called a 'portable fan' which it stands in front of you and produces air! How bloody brilliant are these muggles!" Arthur replied, smiling from ear to ear.

"What's it like at the Ministry?" Percy asked, almost ignoring everything his father had said.

The family separated from the table, and began their own routines. Most of them would go outside and play quidditch, all except for Elodie. She wanted to keep her injuries for the Hufflepuff team, if she were to make it. If not quidditch, cleaning. If not either, knitting.

Molly was teaching Elodie how to knit, but Elodie couldn't quite keep up. She did know how to make a straight line, though. Ginny had came downstairs to ask Molly for some help with her hair. She was learning how to do her own French braids.

"Not now, dear. Elodie and I are knitting." Molly said, holding up the materials with a big smile. Ginny sighed and walked back upstairs. Elodie asked permission if she could go, to help Ginny very quickly.

"I can try and help, Gin." Elodie said, walking into their shared room. "Okay!" Ginny said, turning towards Elodie. "What do you need help with?" Elodie asked. Ginny had told her every problem she had, and Elodie demonstrated to fix her issues.

Ginny had also taken a liking on Elodie. She saw her as the big sister she never had. It was nice having a sister around, for now at least. Ginny was scared to get attached, but at the same time didn't try holding back.

Elodie had felt the same way towards Ron and Ginny, the little siblings she never had. As well as Charlie. He was a pretty good brother figure.


Happy May 2nd :,)

-C x

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