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Molly was trying to take a photo of all the kids together. They were all outside of the burrow, standing in the tall grass near the small pond.

Elodie's hair shined the prettiest gold. The way the light deflected onto her hair at this hour complimented her light brown eyes. She was gorgeous. She wore a white tulle shirt with a red skirt, and had a red and green flower crown. Since these were Christmas pictures, she wanted to make it festive. She had also helped Ginny get ready for pictures. Ginny wore a matching flower crown, hair braided, and a green casual dress on. It was no doubt that Elodie had loved helping out with getting everyone ready.

"Okay, beautiful, Ginny. Now I want some of just Fred and Elodie." Molly said, motioning for Fred and Elodie to go in front of the camera.

They moved awkwardly, and Molly told them to be their selves. "It's only a picture! You guys have hugged before!" Molly said, pushing them into it. Elodie thought of a perfect idea to have them 'be themselves'.

She whispered into Fred's ear, and he grinned. He picked her up, unexpectedly, not going along with the funny picture idea. He interrupted Elodie's idea for his own. Fred started to casually start dancing, in the middle of the tall grass field, with Elodie in the air. Molly rolled her eyes, but also found it funny. She snapped the picture, but Fred didn't put her down.

"Fred you can put me down now." Elodie said. "Oh, sure, okay." He replied. He ran, and 'put her down' on the hill that separated their yards, and ran back to the burrow without her. She gasped, and ran after him. "FRED WEASLEY!" Elodie yelled, still running after him.

Molly secretly got another picture, because the smiles on both of their faces made the picture worth taking.

Molly had gotten tired from the shenanigans being pulled, and finally put the kids straight. She needed some decent pictures for postcards.

"Elodie, smile." Molly said. Once she smiled, the picture was pulled together. "Beautiful. Okay, Ronald where are you?"

Pictures went on most of the day. Elodie had a few singles of herself to send to Yvannah and her aunt. Molly was developing a few pictures, and had her wand out to make them come to life. The one of Fred running from Elodie was the first one to develop. Molly grabbed it, the photo making her smile. Elodie was the one who brought life to Fred. Sure, George was his twin brother, but Fred felt more alive when Elodie was around. Everyone could see it, too.

The Weasley's were now at Diagon Alley, doing some last minute shopping. Elodie had been sent the vault code at Gringotts, just so she can buy her own gifts, too.

Her and Ginny were at this tiny clothing shop at the opening at the alley, and Molly and the boys were next door. "Oooh, this is nice." Elodie said, looking at a shirt. "I'll get this for Gin- Wait...you are Ginny." Elodie said, laughing that Ginny was standing right next to her. "Look away, Ginny." Elodie said turning the small redhead away. Ginny was laughing herself, but luckily didn't look at the shirt.

"C'mon girls. Let's go down the alley a bit more." Molly said, gathering the girls from the shop.

"So. What'd you get me?" Fred asked, walking on her right side while George walked up to her left. Elodie scoffed. "You're not supposed to know! Go away!" Elodie said, shoving them backwards when they tried to look in her bags. "Hi Ron." Elodie said, now walking next to the smaller boy. "Hi, El." He replied. "How's it goin?" She asked. He looked up at her, and made a face. "What do you want?" Elodie started to laugh, because she never really talks to Ron a whole bunch. She's normally just making sure he's not in pieces when the twins 'talk' to him.

"Nothing, I'm just making sure Fred and George don't look through my stuff." She said. He nodded, and they walked next to each other the rest of the visit.

"Elodie could you pass me the potatoes, please?" Arthur asked, as Elodie gave him the bowl of potatoes. When she did so, George started laughing. "What? Is something on my shirt?" Elodie asked. "Not your shirt." George said. Elodie grabbed her spoon and used it as a mirror. "There's nothing on my face, George!" Elodie said. "Made you look." George said, with a straight face. Fred spit out his water from laughing, because when George made that straight face it always made any joke better. "BOYS! UPSTAIRS, NOW!" Molly yelled, pointing to the stairs. Fred's water got all over Percy, which no one seemed to care about that part, but they were still going to be disciplined.

Elodie found it funny after they walked up the stairs. She laughed into her hand, and dinner resumed.

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS EL!" Fred and George yelled, jumping onto her bed, wearing ridiculous looking elf hats. Elodie got scared, and fell out of bed. "Oops....sorry, El." George said, holding his hand out to the girl. "Merry Christmas, I guess." Elodie said, wrapping her blanket around her shoulders. Her eyes and nose were red and puffy, you could tell she had just woken up. "Well, come on! There's presents downstairs!" Fred said. She put socks on and walked downstairs, still with her blanket. "Happy Christmas, Elodie!" Molly said, seeing her and her boys walk down the stairs.

"Okay, Ron this is yours." Molly said, handing him a  gift with only wrapping paper in it, no box. He opened it, and it was another knitted sweater with an 'R' on it. Every Christmas, Molly made them sweaters. Fred and George started the tradition, actually. When they were just toddlers, even so now, too, Molly couldn't tell them apart, so she made them sweaters with their initials on them. When Ron was born, she made him a tiny little one. Ever since then, it's been a Weasley Christmas Tradition.

Elodie had just given Ginny the shirt she found, and Ginny laughed at it. Elodie laughed with her, because of the story behind it. Fred had got Elodie a pair of earrings, he didn't really know why, but he thought they were "pretty" and he gave them to her. She smiled and thanked him. George had gotten her a pair of socks with Hyppogriffs on them, which Elodie loved them so much.

"Elodie, you have one more present." Molly said, bringing out a huge bowl of chicken wings. Elodie froze, and the family laughed at her reaction. "MOLLY! THANK YOU!" Elodie said, jumping up and grabbing the bowl, walking over to the table. She ate her chicken, while watching everyone else finish up their presents.

Ron was the first to join her, and he had one in each hand, biting back and forth between them.
Oh has he learned from her.

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