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Elodie's scar healed quickly, returning to her classes and normal routines the next day.
It was Thursday, meaning the Ravenclaw party was tomorrow.

Fred's been distant since Monday, the day of Elodie's attack. He's been at quidditch practice, pulling pranks with George, staying in the Gryffindor common room more than normal, and it worried Elodie. During free sit, Elodie would sit with Luna and the other Ravenclaws because the twins wouldn't be there. Elodie missed them.

"Ronald, hey, are you busy?" Elodie asked, pulling Ron to the side. "Hey, El." Ron said. "Hey, what's up with George? He's been m.i.a and Fred hasn't talked to me all week." Elodie said. "I don't know, that's strange. They seem fine when we're all in the common room." Ron said. "Oh, okay. Thanks. If you see them out of the tower could you tell Fred I'm able to go tomorrow night?" Elodie asked. Ron nodded, heading towards the Great Hall. Elodie blew her lip, and walking to Hufflepuff's common room.

Elodie sat on the floor in front of the fire,
starring into the orange glow. She wondered if Fred was ignoring her. If Ron didn't know anything, Ginny might. If Ginny didn't know either, then it's either more serious than she thinks, or it's not serious at all. There was no in between.

She wrote down in her poetry book, random words she was felling. She used up a whole page of one word emotions. Tonight's page was filled with words such as "empty, confused, stressed, selfish." Was she selfish for being upset? What if he wasn't 100%. She wanted to know if he was okay. She knew he wouldn't miss the party tomorrow, though. Speaking of which, she needed an outfit.

"Gen, wanna go to Hogsmeade before it closes?" Elodie asked. "Uh, sure. Why?" Imogen replied. Elodie never asked to go to Hogsmeade. She thought it was always too crowded for her liking and didn't like the smell of fire whiskey around every corner. But she loved going with friends and to go shopping.

"I need a outfit for tomorrow night." Elodie said. "Who are you? Going to a party tomorrow and wanting to get a new outfit? I think we've been best friends for too long, I'm too much of an insult." Imogen said smirking. Elodie half giggled, putting her hair up. Imogen changed and they started their journey to Hogsmeade.

"Oh this is so cute." Elodie said, pointing to a grey layered shirt. "Um. No." Imogen said. Elodie scoffed and put it back on the rack. Imogen gasped, making Elodie turn her head towards her.

"What?" Elodie asked, looking at the clothing. "Oh my god." Elodie then said, seeing how cute those are.

What Imogen had found was a matching two piece with flare hippie pants and matching tank tops. There were so many colors like black, white, grey, brown, pink, purple, blue, and green.
"I'll get the purple if you get the yellow." Imogen said. "I want the grey one, though." Elodie replied. "Then I'll get black." Imogen agreed.

Friday night rolled around, and Elodie has only seen the twins once today. She looked at them, and they slightly moved faster, running away almost. Elodie's heart sank.

Imogen was curling their hair, putting Elodie's into a half up-half down, while Imogen's would be left down. Elodie got out her makeup.
"Should I do this silver eye shadow or just do this natural pink one?" Elodie asked. "Bloody hell, I'm using that tan one." Imogen said, pointing to the eyeshadow. Elodie chuckled, and agreed with herself to go for the matching look with her grey outfit and silver eye shadow.

"Wow, we look hot." Imogen said. Elodie bit her lip and pretended to feel herself down. "Merlin, El, save it for the party." Imogen said laughing. Elodie joined her, and they closed everything and went down to the common room. Cedric came up the stairs from the boy's dormitories and whistled.

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