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"Let's go! Hurry, run along." Molly said. She was rushing her family through King's Cross as well as Elodie. Yvannah stayed home with Charleigh just so they can spend some time together. Elodie was so sad that she had to be deprived from her sister.
But, they'd reunite in a few months.

"Good luck, my Ginny. Have fun." Molly said, as Ginny ran through the barrier for the first time as a student. Elodie ran next, and spotted Imogen right away.

"Oh my god, can you believe the audacity some people have to not wait for their best friends?" Elodie said, pretending to mock Imogen and act like a stranger. "ELLIE!" Imogen yelled, pulling Elodie into a hug. "Watch out, Fred might see you and wanna fight you." Ron said to Imogen. "Oh please, Elodie was mine first." Imogen said. "And I still am." Elodie replied. Imogen scoffed sarcastically. "It's cute how you think you two are still 'just best friends'." Imogen said putting air quotations around 'just best friends'. "Cause we are!" Elodie replied, smiling. They walked into the train, pushing through student after student. They found an empty compartment in the middle of the train, and sat down.

"So what's gonna happen this year? Harry Potter, what's your thoughts?" Imogen asked as she held a pretend microphone to her mouth. Elodie rolled her eyes. "Leave him alone, Gen. Harry doesn't wake up every day and choose to kill the dark lord." Elodie replied. Imogen shrugged. "Speaking of Harry, him and Ron haven't came through the wall I don't think." Elodie said, looking out the window on to the platform. "Maybe they're already on." Imogen replied. Luna walked by, noticing them. She stopped and asked to sit down. "Of course." Elodie said.

Elodie was cheering on the first years as they got sorted. "Ginevra Weasley." Mcgonagall yelled. Ginny walked up to the sorting hat, and closed her eyes.

"What! Another Weasley? Hm. I know! GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled. As expected, Ginny got Gryffindor. Still, no sign of Ron or Harry. Elodie began to worry a little. "Harry and Ron still aren't here." Elodie whispered to Imogen. They turned towards the Gryffindor table, and locked eyes with the twins. It's like they communicated through their eyes, because the twins just shrugged.

Elodie turned back around, slowly starting to eat. She saw Mcgonagall leave the Hall, meaning she had business to attend. Elodie couldn't really finish her food, so she told Imogen she'd meet her in the common room. Elodie stood up and left, starting her way to the barrels. As she walked, she walked by the staircase that lead to the ground floor.

"ELODIE!" She heard. She turned around, and saw a breathless Ron and Harry. "Where on Earth have you two been?!?" Elodie asked. "Well..the barrier sort of closed on us at King's Cross. So Harry and I sort of...took the car and flew here." Ron said. "Then the Womping Willow tree caught us." Harry added. Elodie hugged them both. "I'm just glad you're okay." Elodie said, shortly smiling. Mcgonagall cleared her throat. Elodie turned on her heels.

"Oh, Professor, I was just on my- way to- yeah." Elodie said, pointing all over the place and walking away. Mcgonagall watched Elodie get smaller out of sight. Once she was gone, she turned to Ron and Harry.

Elodie was walking out of Potions, as she heard a voice. Very inaudible, but she looked around, to find students already in their own conversations. It stopped, then would start again. Elodie followed it, trying to see if it was the twins pulling some prank on her.

She turned every corner, not seeing them, but still hearing it. Elodie walked into the girls bathroom, the one Moaning Myrtle normally would accompany. Elodie looked around, and nothing. She plugged her ears, but still heard it. As she looked into the mirror, she saw a yellow eye. It was speaking to her. It spoke a foreign language. Elodie suddenly was no longer in control of her own body. Her thoughts, sure. She tried to walk, but couldn't. The voice spoke again, telling her to specifically write on the wall outside of Moaning Myrtle's first corridor bathroom,

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware." But, it instructed her to do it later on, when everyone was at dinner and Harry Potter was in detention for his and Ron's muggle incident.

Elodie came back to her own self, gasping as if she's ran out of air. She didn't remember a thing.

"Hello Elodie." Moaning Myrtle said. "Oh, hi My- Elizabeth." Elodie said. The ghost smiled at Elodie, appreciating how Elodie said her real name instead of Moaning Myrtle.

"What brings a popular Hufflepuff like you in here?" Myrtle asked. Elodie looked up at the ghost. "Popular? Me? Thanks, but no." Elodie said, smiling brightly. "What about that boyfriend?" She asked, making her voice more higher pitch than it already was. "I don't have a boyfriend?" Elodie asked. Moaning Myrtle laughed, a little bit too much for Elodie's comfort level, and replied, "That Weasel. He's pretty cute. Everyone knows it, better claim him before someone else does."

Elodie looked down, realizing how many girls try talking to him every day. Elodie felt a pit in her stomach drop. "Aw are you sad now?" Myrtle asked. She was now sitting on top of the tall sink in the middle of the bathroom, looking down at Elodie. "Myrtle.. what if I like him. I think everyone already knows, but what if I have? For a long time? And what if I-" Elodie rambled. Something she did when she stressed out. She came to a realization that it's now or never on telling him. Elodie needed her feelings for him to come first.

Elodie ran out of the bathroom, straight for the barrels. She got a few looks, but ignored it. Once she made it to the common room, she sat down on the floor by the fire. She got out a piece of paper, gathering her ink and quill.

"Dear Fred,

Hi! So...I like you and kinda have for a while."

Elodie crumbled it. She grabbed a new piece, trying over again.

"Dear Fred,

What if I said I liked you? "

"NOPE!" Elodie yelled, crumbling it faster than the other one. She threw it into the fire, and restarted.

It took her a while to come up with something decent. She sighed in defeat. Elodie figured she would just have to tell him. With Moaning Myrtle knowing, she didn't know how much time she had until the crying ghost would pass the information on.
She saw the ring on her finger, starting to twist it. She smiled down at it, remembering the time he gave it to her. Then she noticed the ring she was wearing on her other hand. His ring.

Elodie's eyes widened, getting an idea. "That's it." She whispered to herself. She stood up, smiling and heading to her dorm. As she entered, she rushed to her jewelry box. "Come on...come on." Elodie said, pushing and disorganizing the small box of tiny silvers. There it was, an empty chain.

She opened it, and slid the ring through it. She smiled at it as she looked at the new necklace through its reflection. The lunch bell rang, and Elodie excitedly ran down to the Great Hall.

"Hey, El." Imogen said, scooting over to make room for Elodie. "Hey guys." Elodie said. "I'll be right back, actually. Is Fred here yet?" Elodie said, turning her head around to the Gryffindor table. "Funny you should ask that. He's in detention with Snape. Might not be very long before him and George get back, though." Imogen replied. Elodie rolled her eyes. "What'd they do now." Elodie asked. "Well, George dyed the top of Snape's hair pink and Fred almost blew up the classroom." Imogen said. "That's why he was wearing a hat.." Elodie said. "I'm gonna go wa-" Elodie was cut off when the Great Hall went silent, and heard Molly's voice yelling.

"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK! AND IT IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT. IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT, HOME! Oh and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor! Your father and I are so proud!" The red envelope turned back towards Ron, sticking its tongue out and ripping itself up. Everyone's faces went blank.

"Anyways...I'm gonna go wait for the twins before they get themselves a howler.." Elodie said, getting up and running to Snape's classroom.

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