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About a week or so later, Harry woke up in the hospital wing. Elodie had put together a bunch of gifts, while Ron and Hermione took care of the treats.

After Elodie and Hermione left with Ron, they took him straight to Madam Pomfrey. She laid him down on one of the hospital beds, and Elodie went to go send a message to Dumbledore. Hermione stayed with Ron in the hospital wing.

"Dear Professor Dumbledore,

It's an emergency. Harry Potter needs you. Please come back to Hogwarts.

-Elodie Jian, Hufflepuff."

Elodie sent the owl away to find Dumbledore. He received the letter a day later. He used his Phoenix as a port key, and traveled back to Hogwarts. He went to the Hospital wing to find Elodie, Hermione, George and Fred all surrounding Ron. The twins were there for their brother, sure, but Fred needed to calm Elodie down. He was worried when breakfast went on in the Great Hall without her, and Imogen said she didn't know where she was, either. It bothered him. But when Elodie and Hermione ran into the Great Hall getting Mcgonagall's help, scratches and cuts all over them, and holding up his little brother unconscious, he was relieved he saw her, but more scared for Ron.

As Elodie saw Harry begin to wake up, she sat up, watching Dumbledore do his thing. She saw Harry smile at the treats and presents.

"Ah, good afternoon, Harry." Dumbledore said, walking to the foot of the hospital bed where the treats were all put onto a table. "Tokens from your admirers?" Dumbledore asked, looking down at everything. "A-admirers?" Harry asked, looking up at the old mad. Elodie snuck out, and went to go get Ron and Hermione. They would want to see him.

"What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirell is a complete secret. So, naturally, the whole school knows." Dumbledore said, making Harry smile. He picked up an empty chocolate frog box. "Ah, I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your chocolate frog." Dumbledore said. "Ron was here? Is he alright? What about Hermione and Elodie?" Harry asked. Dumbledore put his hand up, telling the boy to calm down. "Fine, fine, they're both just fine." He replied. Harry's smile somewhat faded. "What happened to the stone?" Harry asked again. Dumbledore put his hand up once more. "Relax, dear boy. The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nickolas and I have had a little chat, and agreed it was best." Dumbledore replied. "But, Flammel, he'll die, won't he?" Harry asked. Dumbledore looked down, now on the side of Harry's bed. He sat down at Harry's side.

Dumbledore explained everything, like how Harry got the stone, agreeing that Nickolas Flammel will die, and telling him all the information Harry asked about. Dumbledore even telling Harry that Voldemort has other ways of returning, even without the stone.

Sadly, Elodie, Ron, and Hermione couldn't return to Harry after that because lunch was starting and Filch wouldn't let them through the doors. But later that night, Elodie was talking to the two by the staircase by the Great Hall doors. Fred and George had their arms around Elodie, and Cedric and Imogen were walking out the hall, and up to the group. Ron and Hermione were leaned against the rails, and they were all explaining to the others what it was like in the dungeon that night. Luna had seemed to be standing with them, not realizing how she even got there. Luna then turned her head towards Harry, and the conversation stopped when all of them turned to him. He was walking towards the stairs, and he smiled up at everyone. Elodie, Hermione, and Ron all smiled back.

"Alright there, Ron?" Harry asked. "Alright. You?" Ron replied, asking him back. Harry shrugged, and replied with "Alright." He looked at Elodie and Hermione, "Elodie, Hermione?" He asked. Elodie and Hermione looked at each other, and looked back to Harry.

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