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Christmas Eve Night:

It was December 24, 6:00 pm. The Weasley family was over and you were all seated at dinner. There was sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, sliced potatoes, stuffing, brownies, cookies, fruit baskets, vegetables, and dinner rolls. Elodie was sitting next to Fred and Ron. Elodie told everyone in another letter to only wear Christmas pajamas. If you didn't, she would hex you. Molly thought it was adorable. So of course, she threw everyone into Christmas pajamas. They all had their first initial on a knitted sweater. Except, Yvannah and Elodie of course. They were all laughing, drinking butterbeer and pumpkin juice, and having an amazing evening. After everyone was done eating, Molly shot up and ran to the living room. Elodie saw Ron and Fred look at each other, laughing.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Elodie asked. The boys laughed even harder. "No, mum just went to get you and your mum something." Ron said, still laughing. "Yvannah! Elodie!" Molly said from the living room. They all got up and marched into the living room. Elodie and Yvannah sat on the couch in front of Molly, and she gave them each a gift. It looked like a pillow, it was wrapped in paper and tied with string. Elodie opened it, and it was a yellow sweater with a white "E" on it. Just like everyone else's s. Yvannah's was blue with a grey "Y" on it.
"Thank you Molly!" Elodie said, running to her and hugging her. Molly laughed at her reaction, hugging her back. "Thanks, Molly." Yvannah said smiling. They all exchanged gifts, and Elodie had one more for the twins.

"Freddie! George! This one's for you." Elodie said, getting out a big box. They looked at each other with huge smiles. She placed the huge box in front of them, and they began to unwrap it. Inside of the box, was another box. It was just small enough to fit inside of the bigger box, and they unwrapped that one, too. Inside of that box was another box, once again, perfectly fit to fit inside of it. It kept going and going. Elodie was laughing hysterically. The twins were getting more and more frustrated. They finally got an even tinier box, and inside was a small confetti can. It exploded in their faces, and they looked up at Elodie from where she was standing. They looked at each other and smirked. Elodie's eyes widened and Ginny whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, "You better run." Elodie opened the front door and ran. She ran as fast as she could. Fred started to chase her, while George snuck around the other side of them, waiting to rub whipped cream on her face once Fred finally got her. She was still running, and stopped once she no longer heard footsteps. She calmed herself, then felt her feet get lifted from the ground. Fred picked her up and started to run, almost dropping her cause he wasn't that strong. He started running back to where George was, and he gently smacked the whipped cream onto her face. Yvannah took a picture of them, of course.

"Those three are going to put us in nursing homes, Molly." Yvannah said, laughing. "Oh, me and Arthur have already begun our search for the perfect one." Molly said, joining in on the joke. Everyone began to slowly fall asleep on the couch, while Elodie and Ginny were doing each other's hair. "Do you like one of my brothers?" Ginny asked, facing Elodie. Elodie held onto her hair so it wouldn't fall out, and she started laughing. Her nose had turned red, and she immediately said "No. I'm too young for that, I wouldn't even know if I did. And their all icky." Ginny had began to laugh, agreeing her brothers were 'icky'. They heard footsteps walking towards them, and Ron had appeared in front of them. "I am not icky! I'm brilliant." Ron said, crossing his arms. Ginny replied, "Yea you would think that, you're mental." She said. Elodie laughed at them, and switched to her back facing Ginny so now Ginny could do her hair. As Ginny was trying to braid all of Elodie's long hair, Molly and Arthur called for their children. "Sorry, Elodie, I have to go." Ginny said, letting go of her hair. "It's okay, bye Ginny!" Elodie said hugging the smaller girl. "Promise me you'll do my hair again!" Ginny said, holding out her pinky. "I pinky promise." Elodie said, twisting her pinky with Ginny's. Elodie walked over to the front door, hugging everyone bye. Except Percy, he just walked out. "Bye, Charlie." Elodie said, hugging him. "Bye Elodie." He said quietly. "Bye Ron!" Elodie said, hugging him. "Bye, El."

"Bye Georgie!" , "Bye E!"

"Bye Fred." , "That's it? No Freddie?"
"Yes, bye Freddie." , "Bye El."
Except this hug, was a little tighter, and lasted a little longer.

Christmas Morning-

"Flower, it's Christmas!" Yvannah said, shaking her daughter awake. Her eyes opened slowly, and she smiled once she heard christmas was here. She raced downstairs, past her mom, and saw the christmas tree was surrounded with gifts. Her mom gave her a box that was very tiny, but wide. She opened it, and it was only a key. "The other presents can wait, I wanted to see your reaction now." Yvannah said. Elodie was confused, but Yvannah held out her hand. Elodie grabbed it, and the mother lead her daughter outside towards the shed. Elodie looked up at her mom, and her mom sent her a nod. She opened the shed with her key, and what came flying out of it was a medium sized hyppogriff. Elodie couldn't believe her eyes. She started screaming with joy. The creature landed, and she ran up to it. "Elodie! No!" Yvannah yelled, but, too late. Elodie was on the floor with a bloody arm. The hyppogriff had attacked with his beak. Elodie stood back up, ignoring that her arm had a hole in it. She bowed to it, began to cry, and ran inside.  Yvannah followed, and was prepared. Just incase something like this were to happen, Albus Dumbledore sent her a tiny little test tube full of Dittany. She grabbed it and ran straight to Elodie. She poured it onto Elodie's arm. She began to sob from the pain, but later it began to stop hurting. Her arm began to close up, now healing completely.

An hour later, Elodie finally wanted to open her other gifts. She received some photo frames, a stack of the moving photos her mom took of her and the twins, as well as her and her mom, some more lip gloss, some more fuzzy socks, and a stuffed hyppogriff. She didn't really want it at the moment, but now she was healed, she wanted to apologize to it. Her and Yvannah made their way back towards the shed, and opened the door again. It slowly walked out, and bowed to Elodie. She bowed back, smiling. It walked towards her, and she held her hand out. She totally forgot you need it's permission to approach it. It finally walked up to her hand, placing its beak into it. She sighed, smiled, and began to pet it.

"I'm naming you Dashur."

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now