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The group had decided, one round was enough. Filch had almost already caught them, as well as a slytherin prefect. She was thankful a Slytherin came to her rescue. Something she knew would never happen again.
The group disbanded and Imogen held Elodie's hand for comfort all the way to their dorm. She didn't want to show it, but she was crushed. Scared even, to go home. She had no idea what room she went into, and what a boggart was, but she was glad it was over.

"Are you sure you'll sleep alright?" Imogen asked. Elodie gave her a smile and nodded. She tucked herself into bed, and immediately fell asleep. Just what she needed.

Next Morning-

Elodie had woken up and remembered immediately what had happened the previous night. She was reminded by her eyes being a little swollen. She crawled out of bed, and Imogen was missing. She changed into a pair of black jeans that her mom gave her. Yvannah told her she wore these jeans when she was Elodie's age. They were a mom-jean style. She slipped those on with a purple sweater. She tied her hair behind her head in a low ponytail and left out a few pieces of hair, just how she liked it. She of course, put her favorite mango lip gloss on today. She splashed her brown eyes with some water, thinking it would make the redness go away, and it only made the puffiness from sleep go away.

She raced down to the Great Hall after realizing the time, and hoped she hadn't missed breakfast yet. She walked through the Hall doors, and it was empty. There were only a few students at each table and three familiar faces looked at the entrance, seeing their Elodie standing there. She spotted her friends and walked over to the table. They decided to sit at Gryffindor table today. She sat down and she sent her best smile. They exchanged looks, and Imogen finally spoke. "How are you doing, El?" She asked, putting her arm around her. "Yeah, I'm hungry though!" She said, and grabbed a piece of toast from Fred's plate. He sent her a shocked/sarcastic face, and she giggled. A house elf appeared behind her with her trunk. He snapped his fingers and disappeared again. "Oi, your stuff, El." George said. She turned behind her to see her trunk. She smiled sadly and remembered the fake situation from last night.

"All students going away, the train is now boarding." Mcgonagall spoke loudly. The friends looked at each other, and starting walking to Hogsmeade. They said goodbye to their friends staying for break. Luna said bye to Elodie and gave her a rock as a Christmas gift. She told Elodie that the rock said her name. Elodie put it in her pocket and got on the train. Fred saw an empty compartment and slid the door open. They all walked towards it, and Elodie saw Cedric and sent him a smile. Fred saw her, and his smile dropped. They all sat down, and Elodie didn't realize herself falling asleep.

Fred noticed and he half smiled. He watched her curl up into a ball, and he looked around, seeing if there was some sort of blanket to hand to her. George and Imogen were currently right outside, buying things from the trolly. Fred saw his 'F' jumper and wrapped it around her. She smiled very little, and embraced herself in it. He sat back down on his side, and waited for the snacks to be brought in.

"El, Elodie....Elly wake up!" Imogen whisper yelled. Elodie woke up, and the train was stopped. She looked out her window and saw the '9¾' sign. She was finally home, but not really. She jumped up and saw a maroon knit-sweater fall from her lap. She didn't know who's or what it was, so she grabbed it and Fred reached out for it. They had a moment where they smiled at each other, then walked off the train. They all said bye from each other and went their separate ways.

Fred, George, and Percy met up with Molly, Ginny and Ron,

Imogen met up with Adelie her mum, Jett her dad, and her dog Zoomie.

As for Elodie, she couldn't find her mom or dad. She felt sad. Did they wake up late? Did they run into muggles? Did they forget?
She then felt hands on her waist and her being thrown up in the air and being spun around. She knew that perfume very well.

"Oh my baby! How are you my flower?" Yvannah said, spinning her daughter around and hugging her. She knew she was good enough for her mom, and her boggart disappeared from her memory.
"Oh you got so big!" She added. Elodie smiled and began to happily cry. "What's the matter, love?" Yvannah said, putting her down and wiping away her tears.

"I just can't believe it's you." Elodie said, smiling widely. "And I can't believe it's you!" Yvannah said, matching her smile. Elodie looked around her mom's shoulder, and asked, "Where's dad?"

She watched her mom's face drop. She grabbed Elodie's hand and walked to their place in the forrest where they apparated from at the beginning of the year. Elodie was worried when her mom didn't speak. They stopped right in front of the tree and Yvannah began to speak.

"Honey... this is going to be very hard for both of us.. but," She took a long pause. Elodie was silent, waiting for something to happen.

"Daddy loves another woman." Yvannah said, tearing up. She started blinking, not wanting her daughter to see her break down for the eighth time.
Elodie felt her heart sink. Her father left her mother for someone else.

"How do you know? This can't be true. He has to love you! He has to! Hagrid told me so!" Elodie said, now raising her voice. "ELODIE!" Yvannah yelled. Elodie went silent, and Yvannah spoke, "I saw him with her. He lied to us for years. He's unemployed. He doesn't go to work, flower. He goes to do adult things with that woman. She is a muggle who doesn't know her right from wrong. She bullied me when I found out, and I won't let you be anymore involved than that. That is all you will know, okay?" She said. Elodie just stood there. She felt her mom bring her into another hug, and didn't hug back. Elodie didn't know what to do.

"We need to go to the apartment. We have some boxes we need to get and bring them to our new home, okay?" Yvannah said. Elodie nodded. Then realized what her mom just said. "New home? Where are we living?" Elodie asked. "I went over to the Weasley's during your time at school, and she told me there is a house not too far from theirs. It's right behind a huge hill. It has a tree with a swing in it, a river that wraps around the entire field, and it's walking distance from them. We can see them at any time." Yvannah finished. Elodie was actually very excited to hear the news. Living by the Weasley's? Yes. Perfect. Brilliant.

A smile crept onto her face, and Yvannah calmed down. They finally apparated back to the apartment, and there were carpet stains, boxes filling their living room, glass broken in a corner, and the photo of Thomas R. Jian marrying Yvannah E. Jian, that used to move and smile at the people that walked in, shattered. In millions of pieces. Elodie had never seen her apartment so depressing. She walked into her now old room, and didn't even know where to start. She looked up at her enchanted ceiling, and grabbed a box. She opened it and the once realistic stars, went into the box. She then went to her big closet that she was going to miss, and put the rest of her clothes and shoes in her trunk.

Around two hours later, her room was empty. Her mom gave her another enchanted box to put her chair, bed, dresser, and heavy furniture into it. She now stood in a lonely, empty room that would be taken by the other woman's muggle child. Her mom erased all magic from the room, since Elodie wasn't of age to do so. They had their stuff in their hands, and they held each other and apparated to their new house, in England. It was dark, with no lights on yet. Just the morning sun through the big windows.
Elodie looked around. She saw a beautiful wooden staircase, a chandelier in the very small, but roomy living room, light blue cabinets in the kitchen, and the same color blue door trims leading to every room. She loved her new house already. It wasn't big and fancy, at all. She just wanted a home for her and her mom. She walked up stairs as her mom put their furniture in the living room and dining room. She walked into the first door to her left. It was a decent size. Bigger than her old room, though. It had the same color of white on the wooden walls that the living room had. She smiled as she walked up to the ginormous window. She fell in love with it, and opened the box of her furniture. The room was suddenly familiar. It smelt like her old room, with the same sheets on her bed, pillows, blankets, etc.

Her new room was filled, and it was just her and her mom. She lived five minutes away from her favorite people.

She really was home.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now