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"Today, we acknowledge a terrible loss. Cedric Diggory, was as you all know, exceptionally hard working, inferably fair minded, and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend.
Now, I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died.
You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered, by Lord Voldemort.
The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this, but not to do so would be an insult to his memory." Dumbledore was announcing to all Hogwarts students. The Great Hall was filled with Students, Teachers, Headmasters and Imogen. Imogen was too broken to listen any further.

As Dumbledore's voice became muffled, Elodie noticed her faint crying.
"Oh, Gen," Elodie whispered, putting her hand on top of Imogen's.

"The friendships made this year will be more important than ever." Dumbledore had said once again, this time looking at Elodie and Imogen.

"El, I can't do this." Imogen whispered back, her tears now seeping through her school robes.
She got out of Elodie's grip, standing up and heading for the door. Heads turned her way, but she didn't care.

She was absolutely not going to sit there and listen to the man that ran Hogwarts talk about her dead boyfriend. Not many people talked to him, so why would anyone but her and the group be sad? It didn't add up in her mind.

Elodie looked up at Dumbledore, asking for permission with her eyes to run after her mourning best friend. He nodded before continuing on with his words.

Elodie got up and followed Imogen. Imogen ran as fast as she could to the barrels. Tears clouded her vision, but luckily the castle was empty enough to not knock anyone over.

Elodie had caught up out of breath,

"Imogen! Stop!" Elodie called out, hoping Imogen would give her a break.
She finally came to a stop, hesitantly turning around.

"Gen," Elodie breathed out, walking up to her and wrapping her arms around Imogen's shoulders.

Imogen let out a sob. That was all she could do, she wasn't doing too good without him.
Elodie let her best friend cry into her neck, because she needed it. They both did, but Elodie needed to be the stronger one out of the two.

"He's gone, El." Imogen creaked out. She felt Elodie nod against the top of her head, and they pulled apart.

"I need to write to mum. Can I borrow some parchment?" Imogen asked, trying to send her a weak smile.

Elodie nodded, and they walked into the common room.

They placed themselves on the couch in front of the fire, Elodie pulling out her wand and pointing to her bag she left on the arm of the chair before the ceremony.

"Accio parchment." Elodie said, and out came the stack of parchment paper.
Elodie handed it to Imogen, thinking about how it could've happened.

She remembers the expression on Harry's face when the portkey took them back to the third task. As she remembered these haunted memories, she put her head in her hands and pulled her hair behind her ears. The thoughts upset her more than anything, and Elodie, Imogen, and the Weasley's don't know the full story yet. Elodie would probably be the one to tell them, and thinking about all of these upset her too much.

 Elodie would probably be the one to tell them, and thinking about all of these upset her too much

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Elodie figured, why not write to her mom herself. It might help, she thought.

She pulled a piece of parchment out from the stack and dipped her quill in ink.

"Dear Mom,

I'm sure Professor Dumbledore has told families, but my best friend and Imogen's soulmate left us. Cedric was killed by the Dark Lord.

Hogwarts feels less than a home as anything. How's Char? How is Moony?

Just kidding, hope he's good though. Is the wedding still on for July?

Imogen's not doing well, so I need to stop writing and take care of her. Poor girl, her first love.

I love you, I'll see you in a few months.


Elodie sighed, folding the paper up and placing it in an envelope.
"Stanley, take this to mom. You know the way." Elodie said, placing the envelope into the owl's mouth. And like that, the bird was gone.

Imogen's owl was let out of her cage, and Imogen sent her off with the letter to her parents.

"Mum and Dad must be worried, so I had to, erm,
you know, tell them I'm okay." Imogen shakily said.

Elodie nodded her head no, walking up to Imogen and engulfing her into a warm hug.

"You don't have to put on an act, Gen. It's me, not anyone else," Elodie whispered.

"I know, I know." Imogen replied, frowning and letting more tears fall from her eyes.

As more and more days went on, people kept treating Elodie like she was about to break, and Imogen as she was about to fall apart more than she already was. There was no secret that a few guys were throwing themselves at Imogen now, thinking she was 'single'. It made everyone in the group so much more protective over Imogen.

Like this morning, Elodie, Luna, and Imogen were walking through the halls on their way to Snape's, when some Ravenclaw howled at Imogen. Luna snapped her head around, walking up to the guy and getting in his face. His little friends thought she was playing around.
They started laughing at her and sending 'Oohs'.

"My best friend had just lost her first love, and guys like you are making him her last. Have some class and back off." Luna spat, no one's ever seen that girl yell as loud as she did, especially at another person.

Elodie turned to Imogen with a shocked face, laughing at Luna's excellence.

Luna walked back up to them with an annoyed look, until they looked at her smiling. Then they all burst into laughter and continued walking.

What Luna didn't know was, George was watching from a tree him and Fred were making plans at.

"That's my girl." George whispered as he watched her walk off with the girls.

"I think you're hanging out with George too much." Imogen said through a giggle. Oh how much Elodie missed that noise.

"Maybe, but someone's gotta fill in for your aggression while you're taking a bit of a break." Luna said calmly, back to her original voice.

Elodie laughed at the comment, and they continued walking to Snape's classroom.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now