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Elodie, Hermione, and Harry were all in the library on a Saturday night. Not the best way to spend it, but everyone else went out to Hogsmeade. Elodie agreed to stay behind and help as Hermione tortured the poor boy on this second task.

Harry had his head leaning on a book, almost asleep, when Hermione spoke again.

"Harry, tell me again." She said, looking at Elodie.

"Come seek us where our voices sound." Harry said, tapping his chin on the book between each word.

Elodie was asleep in the chair behind Harry, but could still hear what they were saying. Half asleep, if you will.

"The black lake, that's obvious." Hermione said. She looked at Elodie again, realizing that Elodie was sleeping, not just sitting down anymore.

"El. Cmon wake up." Hermione said, gently tapping her.

Elodie's eyes fluttered open.

Hermione and Harry's voices were muffled as Elodie rubbed her eyes and shifted to sit up, watching them figure out the next task.

"Potentially problematic? When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?!" Harry argued. Elodie remembered where she was and what she was doing.

"Neville can make gilly weed." Elodie groggily said.

Moody then appeared, breaking everyone up and taking Hermione to Mcgonagall's office.

"Cmon, Harry. I better get you back to your common room." Elodie said sighing and standing up.

"Woah- El, more like I should take you to your common room." Harry said. Elodie laughed and softly pushed him, stumbling away her tiredness as they exited the library.

To her surprise, she bumped into Fred.

"Harry what'd you do to my girlfriend?" Fred asked, looking at Elodie's tired expression.

"She fell asleep in the library because Hermione's voice got too boring." Harry said fighting back a smile.

"Ah. I got 'er." Fred said laughing, picking Elodie up bridal style.

"Freddie I can walk." Elodie said, then yawned.

"Can not." Fred said, looking at her body as he felt it melt into his arms.

"Can, too." Elodie said, then closing her eyes and putting her head into the crook of his neck.

Imogen also arrived back with Cedric right on time, because Fred called them from the distance as he approached the corridor to the barrels.

"Oh no." Imogen said laughing.

"I guess Hermione bored the absolute bloody hell out of her." Fred said, looking down at her sleeping face.

"El. El, wake up." Fred said, shaking her body in his hands a little.

She groaned and slapped him, not intentionally, of course.

"Ow." Fred sternly said, then looked back at Imogen and Cedric.

"Ced, get her feet." Imogen said as she went to Elodie's head.

Fred lowered her body down into their arms, letting them take it from here.

"Night, guys." Fred said, smiling.

"Night, Frederick." Imogen called out.

"How are we gonna do this?" Cedric asked.

"We drag her to the couch. I'm not pulling her body all the way up those bloody stairs." Imogen said.

"Ohhh-kay." Cedric huffed, and they began pulling and dragging.

Elodie found herself in her dorm the next morning. The last thing she remembered was saying to Harry that Neville knows how to make gilly weed.

He told her one night in the Great Hall at dinner, that Moody gave him a book all about how to make it.

She shrugged off the possibility on how she got up into her dorm, and headed to the bathroom. She put on lipgloss first, of course.

Then did her normal routine. It was Sunday, meaning the next Triwizard task was tomorrow.

Her day went on like any other, breakfast with Imogen and Cedric, lunch at Luna's table, and dinner with Fred and George.

In between periods Luna, George, Fred, and Elodie all decided to go outside most of the day. Imogen and Cedric declined their invite, mostly doing you know what. Besides the point, the other two haven't had any double date action in a while, anyways.

"Yes, it's true. I've been drunk before." Luna admitted with a laugh.
"I think you've been sending too much time with my little brother there, mate." Fred said, winking at George.

"Piss off. It's only by 13 minutes." George mumbled. Elodie laughed at him and continued shuffling "A Wizard's Game of Cards."

"Okay, one, two, three." Elodie said, and they all flung up a card with their wand, letting it fall down into their hand.

"Who's got the black card?" George asked. Elodie's nosed turned red as she slowly revealed the black card.

"El it's like the eighth time you've gotten this card." Luna said.

"I know, she won't have any secrets by the time we're done with her." Fred said, leaning his head back into her lap.

"Guys I seriously don't have anymore secrets." Elodie said smiling.

"Oh yeah? Do you need this to help you out?" George asked, pulling out the last tiny sip of Veritaserum.

Elodie looked around at them as they all had a cocked eyebrow up, looking at her.

She sighed and gave in.

"Fine, but this better only last a tiny bit." Elodie said, grabbing the bottle.
She downed it in no time, and it was Luna's turn to ask her a question.

"Have you ever drank before?" Luna asked. Terrible question.

Elodie looked at Fred and laughed.

"Pft. Yeah. Do you guys not remember last year?" Elodie asked rolling her eyes.

"Blimey, I forgot. Sorry, El." Luna said. "It's okay. It's all just one big joke now." Elodie said, starting to play with Fred's hair.

"You need a haircut." Elodie said, running her fingers through his long hair, realizing just how long it's getting.

"How dare you." George said as he gasped.

"It's our most fantastic feature!" Both of the twins said in unison.

Elodie giggled at them, and they began playing the game again.

"Goodnight, Freddie." Elodie said as she smiled up at him.
Fred and Elodie split from George and Luna, while Fred and Elodie went down to the barrels, George and Luna went up to Ravenclaw's tower.

It was so sweet had the boys always needed to walk them to their common rooms.

"Goodnight, flower." Fred said, kissing her temple. She blushed a bit, then opened the barrels.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now