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It was now the last week of November. Elodie's second year was going by swiftly. All the letters Yvannah sent, updating Elodie on this new born sibling, Elodie would get more and more anxious. She didn't want this child to feel as neglected from her 'father' as she was. Elodie wished she was of age, so that she could do something about it. But she was only 12.

The twins had their same routines, pranking Filch and anyone who had gotten in their way. They also had just made their first invention. It was chocolates that made disgustingly smart pimples on your face. They also, found out about Elodie's sister when they used the Marauder's Map to see her pacing in Dumbledore's office.

"Dear Ellie, darling,

Hey my baby girl, I'm gonna be back at Aunt Hadley's house for Christmas. I made arrangements for Molly to take you again. Until I find out what's wrong with my sister, I won't be home. It might be a while for our next reunion, but I'm pretty sure she's contagious. I'll send you updates every Tuesday.

With love,
Momma x"

This letter had her perfume on it, meaning it really was going to be a while. Elodie went to go find the twins.

"Hey, guys!" Elodie said. She found them outside, playing with a sparkler produced from their wands.

"Hey, El!" George said, not breaking eye contact with the glowing ball. "Hi, Ellie." Fred added. "I wanted to know if Molly sent you anything about me staying over the Holidays?" She asked. The twins now grew curious, and set their wands down, throwing the ball in the distance somewhere.

"No, you're staying over Holiday?" Fred asked. "Yeah, my mom's going back to Germany I guess. Are you cool with that?" Elodie asked. "Without Charlie there's tons of room. Since he's off in Romania, taking a class for dragons." George said. Elodie nodded, and smiled. "Then I guess I'll have to take his spot." Elodie said.

"Are you coming to our quidditch tryouts?" Fred asked, as Elodie walked away. She looked back, cupping her mouth with her hands, and yelled, "I'm your cheerleader!"

Elodie changed out of her robes, and put on the knitted 'E' sweater Molly made her for Christmas. Of course, she put on her ankle boots with a peach lipgloss. She grabbed her wand and made her way to the quidditch field.

As she took her seat in the stands, she saw Oliver Wood lead out a bunch of second years to the field.

Fred's POV:

I was quite nervous to join quidditch. Elodie made it even worse, cause she would be watching me. Earlier on this week, Elodie told me and Georgie that she wouldn't try out, only cause of her injury over summer holiday.

Oliver told us that we would be heading to the field now, and it made me nervous once again. I walked to the quidditch field, and a trunk of all the balls were there.

He opened the trunk, taking out the middle ball. I knew it was called a quaffle, but I let him explain.

 I knew it was called a quaffle, but I let him explain

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"Quidditch, is easy enough to understand. Each team has 7 players.

3 chasers, 2 beaters, 1 keeper, and 1 seeker."
Oliver began. George and I stood next to each other with our arms crossed, paying somewhat attention to what he was saying.

"There are 3 kinds of balls. This one, is called the quaffle." He added, holding up the biggest one. "Now, the chasers handle the quaffle, they try to put it through one of those three hoops." Oliver said, pointing to the three hoops behind us.

"The keeper, that's me, defends the hoops." Oliver said, smiling when he said he was the keeper.

I was getting bored, because I already knew everything he was saying.

"You with me so far?" Oliver said, looking back and forth between the group of us. We nodded, and he made us line up, each of us getting handed a bat when it was our turn. He was looking for both beaters and a chaser. Only three of us would make the team.

George was in front of me, so he went up first. Oliver gave him the bat, and he released the bludger. It went flying up in the air, and George was getting ready to swing. "Ope, watch it, it's coming back." Oliver said. George swung, and it went right through the middle hoop.

"YEAH GEORGIE!" I yelled, jumping on his back. "Nice one, Weasley." He turned to face me and we jumped into each other. Now, it was my turn.

I looked around to find Elodie, and she was sitting there on the bleachers, starring at me. We met eyes, and she smiled and put both thumbs up. I smiled back, as Oliver let out the bludger.

"Here it comes." Oliver repeated.

I hit it as hard as I could, and my wrist flicked it straight up and through the hoop to the right. I dropped the bat and did a happy dance, and George ran and did it with me.

"I'll be posting the results in the common room tonight." I heard Oliver call as he was packing up the equipment. I was pretty tired, but Georgie wanted to go find El. I agreed, obviously, and went with him.

Third person POV:

Elodie ran up to the twins in the field, screaming slightly. She was excited because they did well. "You guys are totally gonna be the new beaters!" Elodie exclaimed, jumping into a group hug.

"We hope! Wood told us the new Gryffindor team will be posted in the common room after dinner." George said. Elodie clapped her hands, and they all walked to the Great Hall.

"Are you sitting with us tonight?" Fred asked Elodie. "I don't know, is it free sit tonight?" Elodie asked the boys. "Who cares." They said in unison. Elodie laughed, and pushed their heads towards their table, while she made her way to the hufflepuff table.

"Where have you been?" Imogen asked, handing Elodie a plate of food. "I went to the twin's quidditch tryouts. They were so amazing, you should've seen it." Elodie replied. "You left me alone with him!" Imogen said, pointing to Cedric who had mashed potatoes all over his face. "Hey, I'm cool!" Cedric said in defense. "Yeah, so cool! Mashed potatoes really make your eyes pop!" Elodie said, motioning to his face. The three laughed, and finished their dinner.

"In the morning I want results." Elodie said, walking up to the twins. They were headed to their common room, and she was headed to the barrels. "We will." They said together.

"Goodnight, Georgie." She said, hugging George. "Goodnight, Freddie." She added, moving next to George to give him a hug. Fred picked her up, and Elodie laughed.



"Put me down."




"George, help."

"Don't get me involved."

"You guys suck."

"No we don't, cause you're laughing."

"Put my best friend down."

"Hi Imogen."

"Fred, put her down."

Fred put Elodie down, and Elodie stepped back to Imogen's side. Everyone was laughing, and they parted ways.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now