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Lately, things have been pretty weird. Harry Potter has recently been discovered as Gryffindor's new seeker. All because of Malfoy's up to no good actions. Mcgonagall caught him during broom lessons, and told Wood to teach him how to seek. Elodie was walking with Fred and George through the hallways of the courtyard. They walked passed a few house ghosts, and Nearly headless Nick was talking about Harry's new quidditch position. They found Harry and Ron and caught up to them.

"Hey, well done. Harry! Wood's just told us!" Fred said. "Fred and George are on the team, too. Beaters." Ron said. "Our job is to make sure that YOU don't get bloodied up to bad. Can't make any promises, of course. Rough game, quidditch." George said. "Brutal! But, no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally." Fred added, and George finished off the last part of the sentence as Harry and Ron tried splitting up from the two boys. "BUT THEY'LL TURN UP IN A MONTH OR TWO!" They heard George's voice get distant.

"Don't scare the poor boy, you idiots." Elodie said, laughing as they walked together the charms.

"Afternoon, class. Welcome back. Today we're gonna learn about Lumos Maxima. Yes, during your first year you probably are familiar with Lumos, but instead Lumos Maxima can not only be used as a light source, but it can blind the ones that you wish to escape from, or simply just be used to light up an entire room instead of just the tip of your wand." Professor Flitwick said. Fred wasn't paying attention at all, so he started to joke around with George. Elodie was sitting on the left, George was in the middle and Fred was on the right. Elodie heard them failing to hold in their laughs. She snapped her head towards them, and pinched George's elbow when he wasn't looking.

"Ow! The bloody hell?" George asked, turning to Elodie who was pretending she didn't do it, and taking notes as Flitwick talked about the spell they were learning. George put a grumpy face on, now sort of paying attention. Fred laughed at him, whispering taunts at him. George did the same thing Elodie did, and pinched his brother's elbow. Except this time, Fred jumped, causing a scene. Elodie put her head down, out of embarrassment and to hide her own laughter.

"Everything alright, Mr. Weasley?" Professor asked. "Mhm. Fine, sir." Fred said through a fake smile. Elodie was still silently laughing with her face in the parchment, and felt George pinch her right back.

This was going to be a long class period.

"Oi! Wait up!" George said, rushing up to Elodie as she sped away from the twins. "No, George." Elodie said. "Ouch. No Georgie?" He asked, making her stop and turn on her heels. "You guys are idiots! Leave me alone!" She snapped at them. "Someone's on their period." Fred side whispered to George, loud enough for Elodie to hear. She stormed up to him, pointing her wand at him.

"What was that, Freddie?" Elodie asked, making an innocent face at him. His eyes went wide, and she laughed, walking to lunch.

"Here, I made you a plate since my class dismissed early." Imogen said, handing Elodie a plate. "Thanks." Elodie said bluntly. "You alright?" Imogen asked. "Those twins, I swear." Elodie said, slightly laughing. "What could they have possibly done now?" Imogen asked, taking a bite of her pudding. "First of all, Fred thought he was being cute by dancing and pushing into George. Then, George starts acting like his dance partner. So when George put his elbow closer to me I pinched him, telling them to stop. And they just kept doing it. All. of. charms. class." Elodie said. Imogen started laughing, knowing that's something they'd do.

As if it couldn't get any worse, they ran up behind her, not meaning to scare her. She fell back, but thankfully they caught her to help her back up. "Oh my Godric what now?" Elodie said, rolling her eyes. "We wanted to apologize. We're terribly sorry." Fred started, as George finished the sentence. She looked right through them, not giving in to their innocent little faces. Which they made themselves, pouting their lips and holding their hands up to their chests.

"Okay." Was all Elodie said, before turning back around, and eating. Imogen looked at her, and Elodie looked at her without turning her head so they would see, and silently laughed. "Look guys, you made her cry!" Imogen said. Elodie started to fake cry, going along with it. "Run, Georgie." Their eyes widened, and they ran for it. Elodie high-fived Imogen, laughing at their reactions.

As the day came to an end, dinner was approaching and the Great Hall was soon filled with students.
Earlier this afternoon, I guess during first year's charm class Ron was also being a complete arse. Must run in the family. Harry told Elodie that Ron was mocking Hermione when she tried to help him with the Leviosa spell, and she heard him and ran away after that. Elodie went to go check on her in the girls bathroom, and Moaning Myrtle had came out of Hermione's stall, fake crying. "Oh, it's so bad. So very bad." She said. "Let me talk to her, Myrtle. Not you." Elodie said. Moaning Myrtle started to scream, and splashed through the toilet disappearing.

"Hermione, what's going on?" Elodie asked. "Go away." Hermione said through the stall door. "I just wanna talk. I wanna know what Ron said or did from your side of the story. I'm really great friends with the Weasley family and I can let his mom know." Elodie replied. Elodie heard a click, and Hermione opened the stall door. "How long have you been in here?" Elodie asked, hugging the smaller witch. "Erm...all day." Hermione replied with a sniffle. "Awh. Dinner is starting any moment, maybe we can ask Dumbledore if you wanted to sit with me." Elodie said. "Really? But I'm weird. And apparently cleverness only gets you somewhere with the teachers and the class." Hermione said, eyes getting watery again. "I'm weird, too. I talk to animals all the time." Elodie replied, laughing. Hermione slightly giggled, and looked up at Elodie. "Thanks, Elodie. We should go, then. Wouldn't want dinner to go to waste." Hermione said. Elodie grabbed her hand, and nodded. As they turned around from the stall, a giant foot was in front of them. They looked up, and a mountain troll was standing before them.

It curiously looked at them, and started to growl. They didn't know how it got in, or what to even do. Then, they heard Harry's voice. "Hermione, Move!"

Hermione went under the sink, and Elodie ran towards the boys. "Why is there a troll in the girls bathroom?" Elodie yelled, as the troll was now swinging his bat. "I DON'T KNOW!" Harry yelled back. Hermione screamed as the troll hit the sinks. She finally was under the last standing sink, and Elodie threw a piece of wood at its head. "Nice one, El." Ron said. Harry jumped up on its back from holding onto his bat, and the troll started shaking, trying to make Harry fly off.

"DO SOMETHING!" Harry yelled. "What?" Ron said, standing there and shrugging. He grabbed ahold of his wand, and looked at Hermione. Hermione told him, "Swish and flick!" The troll was about to hit again, when Ron made his bat levitate. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron said, and the bat was now in midair. He moved his wrist up, to the point where the bat was above the troll's head. "Cool." Ron said, smiling. Harry jumped off, rolling his body towards Elodie. Elodie helped him up, and Ron dropped the bat on his head. Hermione ran towards the others, as the troll fell. "Is it..dead?" Elodie asked. "I don't think so. Just knocked out." Harry replied. Harry's wand was stuck inside the troll's nose from when it tried to swing at him. He ran and got it, and Professors Mcgonagall, Snape, and Quirrell.

Mcgonagall looked scared, fear covering her face. She looked up at the four students. "Wha- explain yourselves!" She said, pointing to all of them. Elodie, Ron and Harry started to babble. "Well what it is-"

"It's my fault, Professor Mcgonagall." Hermione said. Everyone's heads turned towards her, trying to cover up for everyone. "Ms. Granger..." Mcgonagall said. "I went looking for the troll. I read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry, Elodie, and Ron hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead." Hermione said. "Be that as it may..It was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would've expected no rational behavior on your part, and I am very disappointed in you, Ms. Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor, as well as Hufflepuff. For your serious lack of judgment. As for you two gentlemen and you Ms. Jian, I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first year students can take on a fully grown mountain troll, and live to tell the day of it. Five points, will be awarded to each of you." Mcgonagall said. Everyone smiled at one another. "For sheer, dumb luck." Mcgonagall finished as she walked off.

"Perhaps you might ought to go, it might wake up. Ha!" Professor Quirell said. Looking down at the troll. The students left, and Quirrell looked at the troll. It growled, making him jump backwards.

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