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It had been two months since the twin's birthday.
Which means, Elodie's life is now taking place in the summer of '90. There was only one more week of school left. June had came faster than she could say quidditch.

Cedric and Imogen had somewhat gotten used to each other, it wasn't as awkward when he would give her little side hugs anymore. They've opened up more and it was like Elodie was watching a movie all the time.

She couldn't wait to see her mom again. Yvannah was just as excited to see Elodie as Elodie was excited to see Yvannah.

"Nope. Don't wanna." Elodie mumbled, half asleep. Imogen was trying to wake Elodie up for class, since she was almost already late.

"El, you need to. Classes start any moment!" Imogen said. Elodie hated being late. It just wasn't a thing for her. Elodie's head shot up, and tried to process everything. She was too busy focusing on being late, not the world.

She threw her hair into a quick braid, did her lipgloss routine as usual, and changed into her robes. "Finally." Imogen said, shrugging and walking downstairs. Elodie laughed as she heard her friend leave her be. It was the last time she would take Herbology as a first year today, so she put all her focus into it, even though it wasn't her forte.

"Today students you will learn about Devil's Snare, it is quite difficult if you can't get the spell right. But, Merlin's forbid you to end up in some predicament, you might need to learn this song. It helps you remember that Devil's Snare is strictly afraid of sunlight. You sit as still as possible. Do not panic, or else it shall kill you faster. Sit still if you ever get drowned by it. You'll slip right through. The spell to tame it, of course, is Lumos Solem." Professor Sprout announced. She looked around the room to find all first years were starring at her, listening to each and every word.

"Go on, give it a go. You all have newly sprouted seeds in there, making them not fully grown. But they are just as reactive. Darn little things." Sprout added.

Elodie picked up her wand, but a tiny piece of the snare wrapped around her wrist. She accidentally dropped her wand from shock, and bent down as far as the plant would let her to pick it up. With her left hand, she did the spell.

"Lumos Solem!" Elodie yelled. A ray of sunlight came out of the tip of her wand. The plant screeched and let go of the girl's wrist.

"Well done, Ms.Jian. Five points awarded to Hufflepuff." Professor Sprout said, putting a hand on Elodie's shoulder.

"For t-t-todays c-c-class we will beeeee heading down t-to the Great Hall." Professor Quirell spoke. Everyone looked around, confused.

"W-we will be d-duel-ling." He spit out. After everybody heard the difficult sentence Quirell spoke out, they applauded. After each year, You're supposed to go down to the Great Hall to duel other students to see what you've learned.

"E-Elod-die would y-you like to be f-first?" Quirell spoke. Elodie nodded, and stood up on the mat while everyone else looked up at her. Professor Snape also had his class of first year Slytherins with him.

"Professor, if I may, put Ms.Jian up against one of my own students." Snape said, and Quirell nodded.

A blonde haired boy came up to the mat, and bowed to Elodie. Her doing the same.

"Take stance." Quirell said.

Elodie took her stance, and ready to point any spell to him she could produce.

"I want a clean match." Snape coughed out. "Wizard and Witch, begin." Snape added. It went quiet for a moment, allowing the two students to think of the spell they were to cast.

The other boy had started to speak, but before anything produced, Elodie yelled, "Expelliarmus!"

His wand fell to his feet, and Snape kicked it to the stands, asking another student to come up. Yet, another blonde came up. And bowed.

Everyone was still shock of Elodie's defense. Not many first years were brave enough to cast the disarming charm.

"Ascendio!" The blonde hair boy yelled. Elodie's body went flying. Everyone gasped, but Elodie stood right back up, shaking her head like nothing else had hurt.

"Expelliarmus" Elodie yelled again. The kid's wand flew out of his grasp, and Elodie threw another spell at him.
"Everte Statum!" Elodie called out. Her opponent  flew across the room. With a loud thud, he flopped back onto the mat in front of Snape.

The Slytherin students started to laugh, while the mix of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's began to cheer

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The Slytherin students started to laugh, while the mix of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's began to cheer.

Elodie walked over to the boy, and held her hand out to help him up. He flinched, but realized she wasn't pointing her wand at him. Snape growled and stormed off.

"F-fift-ty points to H-huff-lep-puff." Quirell said, clapping. The whole room was later filled with cheers, and Elodie smiled brightly, and bowed.

The entire week, classes were dismissing early. Only two classes each day, for the entire last week. Elodie had finished Herbology and DADA, and was now walking to lunch. Once she entered, the entire Great Hall saw her and started to clap. Elodie started laughing nervously, but smiling at everyone she passed by.

"Blimey, you're a celebrity, Els!" Cedric said. He handed her a plate of food, and she sat down. "Yeah I'm starting to feel like one. The only two classes I get today and we already have fifty-five new points." Elodie said, smiling. Cedric's eyes widened. "Fifty-five?!?" Cedric said, dragging each word. Elodie nodded and smiled. "We could win next year's house cup with all those points." Cedric said, making the pair laugh.

"Why is everybody saying your name. Every corner I turn it was 'did you hear about what Jian did to Turner'" Imogen said, sitting down.

"She absolutely hexed a guy that's what!" Cedric said. "Did not!" Elodie said. "Did too!" Cedric barked back. They laughed and Elodie explained the end-of-the-year duel. Imogen clapped, and she applauded Elodie for her talent. "Thank you, thank you." Elodie said, giving tiny bows to Imogen.

The day after, the twins found out and had the same reaction everyone did. Today she hoped it would settle down, knowing she had Snape's class. She was scared to face him.

She walked into Potions and Snape turned his head towards her.

"You will be making a Forgetfulness Potion. I expect Ms.Jian will be the first. As she is our new celebrity." He said, eyeing her down. She gulped, and her nose turned red.

Snape was not mad at her, at all. He admired her, actually. All he needed to do was push her more, so he did.

Of course, Elodie was the first to be done to make a successful potion.

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