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Elodie has matured just one more year. She had made it to her 13th birthday. This year, the twins and Ron planned her birthday at the Burrow. Yes, she knew about it this time. Not much, but all she knew was she needed to be there by noon. This summer, George and Luna became super close. She understood everyone, but he's never seen anyone read him up and down like he was some sort of book. Fred only felt his emotional pain and did his absolute best to do his job and find out what was wrong with George, but Luna didn't even have to ask. If something were to happen right in front of her, like Molly accidentally calling him Fred, or always choosing Fred before him, or praising Fred just a tiny bit more, Luna was there. He loved his brother too much to speak up. That's just what a good twin brother does.

Fred was now much, much taller than Elodie. George and him were at least 5'9 now. Elodie was only 5'3, making them tower over her. She loved it when their voices cracked, so she could mock them and make the same sound. It made them laugh and get a bit shy. But that's just what puberty does. Elodie caught up with the entire 'growing up' situation. She developed in new ways, and felt very 'lady like'.

As she got ready to head over to the burrow, Yvannah came into her room with a plate full of French toast and bananas. Elodie got excited to eat it. She did her last curl, and ate her breakfast. Elodie's birthday outfits got better each year. This year she had a red jumpsuit on. It made her skin look more tan than it already was. She looked absolutely stunning, already starting to look like her mother. Elodie was a beautiful little girl, sure, but she was now a young lady. Her 13th birthday was like real magic. Over at the Burrow, the Weasley's had set up all of her favorites. Ron told Molly to make all the chicken wings she could. George told Arthur to get one of those muggle projectors for them to all watch movies outside of the house tonight, and Fred just got 13 yellow roses. 13 because she's now 13, roses because they aren't overlooked, just loved by all, and yellow because they were the closest to golden that he could find.

Elodie was all ready, done with doing her makeup, too. Yvannah got her all sorts of different makeup, just so Elodie can experience the teenage makeup thing. To everyone's surprise, Elodie was actually not too shabby at it. As she closed the makeup box, Elodie walked downstairs and slipped on some white sneakers. Yvannah did the same, getting some shoes on, and the ladies walked their way over to the Burrow.

When they walked up to the door step, they noticed the number 13 drawn into the dirt on the side of the doormat. Elodie laughed, and knocked on the door to reveal Molly standing right in front of them.

"Ah come in! Happy Birthday, Elodie. The boys will be ready shortly." Molly said, moving to the side for the family of two to walk indoors. As Elodie stepped into the house, George jumped in front of her and popped a confetti-like canon into her face. Elodie laughed and greeted him with a hug. Fred came downstairs, and walked up to them, hugging them both. "This is nice." Fred said, making Elodie laugh. "Where's my favorite Weasley?" Elodie asked, looking around. "Uh...right in front of you.." Fred said. "Yeah, right in front of you." George said, pointing to himself. "Not you, losers." Elodie said, walking in. Once she saw her walk downstairs, Elodie ran up and hugged her. "GINNY!!" Elodie yelled, making Ginny follow her actions. "Wow." The twins said together. They acted shocked, pretending to be hurt. Elodie just laughed at them.

As the day went on, games, presents, conversations, and laughter went on. Imogen and Luna had arrived, too. The party was now complete. Her entire family was there, now.

The night crept up on the party, making the moonlight reflect onto the outside of the windows. Shining through them and projecting a subtle glow into the house. The family remembered that they had a projector, so they decided to start putting it up. Elodie was directed to stay inside with Ginny, Imogen, and Luna. As they waited, they all played a truth game. It was truth or dare, but just truths.

"Okay uh I'll do...Luna. You and Georgie have been getting really close. Do you like him?" Imogen asked. Elodie and Ginny made an "ooo" sound. Luna looked at them and smiled. "Well, of course I do. I like him a lot and I hope he likes me back." Luna replied. "No, Luna not in a friend way. Like do you like him as more than a friend?" Imogen asked. "Oh, well, I haven't thought about it that way. But I do notice that when he's around he does tend to make me go a little nervous." Luna admitted, tilting her head to the side. Elodie put her hand on her heart and pouted her lip. "Awh, Luna, that's great." Elodie said. Luna smiled at her, and they played a few more rounds. Luckily, Elodie didn't get any Fred questions.

"Guys, come outside!" They heard Ron yell. "We're not guys, Ronald." Ginny said. The girls went outside to find the projector set up. Elodie smiled excitedly, also seeing tons of pillows and blankets on the ground set up on top of another blanket. They all decided to watch some muggle networking called Disney. Elodie chose Cinderella. She put a pillow down for her head, facing the projector. She felt her head and pillow lift up, and get placed back down. Fred had put her pillow in his lap now, with him sitting up on his elbows. She smiled up at him, and he returned it. Call it "making a move" if you will.

Elodie's eyes widened when the tiny fat mouse came on the screen, and he said to Cinderella that his name was Gus Gus. She squealed, thinking Gus Gus was the absolute cutest thing. Fred watched her from his lap, laughing at her reaction.

Towards the end of the movie, Elodie had fallen asleep. Fred didn't notice yet, because he was caught up in the movie. George leaned over to him, whispering that Elodie was asleep. He looked down, to find her peacefully curled up, hair sprawled out onto the pillow, some of it being on Fred's lap. It was definitely a sight. It reminded George of the time in first year when she fell asleep on the train, and as a nice gesture Fred wrapped her in his 'F' sweater. He didn't know what to do. Fred didn't know if he should wake you up, move the pillow off of him, or just leave you until the movie was over. He didn't want to move, but also sort-of needed to, because the movie was just about to end.

It was perfect timing when Molly and Yvannah came outside to check everything out. Molly pointed to Elodie, and her heart warmed. Yvannah looked, as well, and had the same reaction Molly did.

Yvannah tip-toed onto the blanket where everyone sat, and slowly crept down to Fred. "Do you want me to take her?" Yvannah whispered, pointing at Elodie. He looked down, and shook his head no with a smile. Yvannah smiled back, whispering an "okay" before kneeling back up. Yvannah walked back to Molly, and told her that he purposely laid her there and didn't want her to wake up.
"Oh my precious boy." Molly said, walking back inside with Yvannah.

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