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Thursday, December 23, 1989

"Thank you, Ms. Jian. Please have a wonderful Holiday. Happy Christmas, and New Year." Mcgonagall told Elodie as she turned her final test in. It was the last day for the first year. She was more than excited to run into her medium sized apartment and hug her mother so fast. As Elodie wished Mcgonagall the same, she saw the twins walking towards the classroom. The doors were open and she smiled widely and ran into them, squishing them into a tight hug.

"Well, hi El." George said. Elodie laughed and she began to talk.

"How are you guys? It feels like a decade since we last talked." She said. "Yeah, cause you don't love us anymore!" Fred chimed. They all laughed and the twins walked her down to the barrels. "I'll see you guys tomorrow in the Hall, before the train leaves and everything." Elodie told them off. She smiled the famous Elodie smile and walked inside. She was alone because everyone else was either down at Hogsmeade or still testing in their other classes. She decided to finish packing and ran up the stairs, something she loved doing. She grabbed her toothbrush, deodorant, hairbrush, hair products and shower items. She stuffed her body wash and her toiletries in the pocket of a small bag she had, big enough to hold her junk. She placed the bag in a spot in her trunk. She was done in less than an hour and got bored. She had already told the forest bye, so she couldn't take a quick walk, so she thought she'd stop by Hagrid's. As she walked down, she hummed the song her mother sings to her before bed. She was desperate to be tucked in like that again. She smiled at the thought and found herself a few feet away from his door.

"Why, 'ello there Elodie!" Hagrid said. "Wasn't expectin' ya!" He added. He made her some tea and Fang walked up to her. She started petting him. "Hagrid, did you know my dad when he came here?" Elodie asked. " 'Course I knew Tommy! He was quite the git, but you didn't hear it from me." Hagrid replied. Elodie giggled at his gossiping, and gave Fang a dog treat. "Did he ever bully anyone?" She asked. He gave her an 'Of course' look. "Course. Then yer mother Yvannah would always put em in to place. I watched those two fight into love." He said sighing. Elodie smiled at the thought of her mom falling in love. She felt a little guilt crawl into her system, as a thought that wasn't kind at all came into mind. She had sometimes wished her father was different. More respectful, had a sense of humor, and a heart.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I should go now, it's been a while and I wanna catch up with my friends." She smiled at him, putting her cup of tea down. Hagrid waved bye to the tiny American, and watched as she grew smaller and smaller by distance.

"Freddie! Georgie!" Elodie yelled, as she ran up to the twins yet again. She was smiling when she saw them. They loved her smile, but this one told a different story. "What are you on about?" Fred asked her, as he knew the familiar mischievous smile. George witnessed his twin smile at the girl, and he didn't say anything to interrupt. "I wanted to know if you guys wanted to sneak out tonight and play hide 'n seek." She said, still smiling. The twins watched her beam. They had absolutely no idea what 'Hide 'n Seek' was. But they were in if it meant running from Filch. They were quite good at that now. "We'd love to! But, we need to be careful. It's Percy's night to do a few rounds outside of the common room." George finally said. Elodie smiled and skipped away, going down a flight of stairs to the barrels.

"What in the bloody hell is 'hide n seek' ?" They said at the same time.

"Hey, Gen." Elodie said, sitting next to Imogen on the floor in front of the fire. "Hey El." Imogen said bluntly. She was playing a game of wizard's chess with Herbert Fleet. He was friends with Melvin. He was winning, badly. Imogen was getting frustrated so she flipped the board. "Geez, Imogen. What did the chess board do to you?" Elodie asked, laughing.
"Made me lose. That's what it did." Imogen said.

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