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"After due consideration, the Ministry had concluded, for their own safety, no student under the age of 17 should be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament." Crouch tried to speak, as all students groaned and yelled at this rule.

"THATS RUBBISH!" Elodie heard George yell.

The room was filled with outrages of yelling and disagreement, before Dumbledore decided enough was enough.

"SILENCE." Dumbledore yelled.

The hall went silent, as Dumbledore began to walk to the tall, heavy object. He pointed his wand out as it slowly began to turn into a huge goblet, as blue flames produced out of the top.
A Goblet of Fire, if you will.

"The goblet of fire, anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament, will write their name upon a piece of parchment, throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night." Dumbledore explained. Elodie saw Cedric's eyes glued to it, making Elodie wonder..

"Cedric, you're not actually thinking about this, are you?" Elodie asked, whispering to him as Dumbledore began speaking.

"I would like to, yeah." Cedric replied.

"There's no turning back." Dumbledore announced, making Elodie's eyes widen.

"As from this moment...the Triwizard Tournament has begun." Dumbledore said once more, leaving the feast to resume.

Elodie had to stay in for a Prefect job for the 4th year Gryffindor's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, while the twins as well as Imogen were in the back of the room, as they had a free period and sat at a table in the back corner copying notes from a book for their charms class. Weirdly enough, most of the group was in DADA this afternoon.

"Alister Moody." Moody said, writing his name on the chalkboard. "Your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore had asked me, goodbye the end." Moody said strictly.

"Any questions?" He asked to the class. Elodie raised her hand from standing.
"Um, yeah, I'm the prefect that Headmaster Dumbledore sent for the hour. I can do some paperwork or clean around, anything really." Elodie offered with a kind smile.

"No. Just stand there till I need ya." Moody replied, making Elodie's smile fade but be replaced with a nod. Imogen noticed at Moody's subtle rudeness, and turned her body around in her chair to make sure Elodie pushed it away. Elodie nodded, understanding, and Imogen turned back around, scribbling more.

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a more practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me..how many unforgivable curses there are." Moody spoke.
Elodie knew how many there were, and his intentions. Apparently, his mind closed, making Elodie not able to read it, but still knew something strange was about to happen, knowing the killing curse was apart of the three.

"Three, sir." Hermione spoke.

"And they are so named?" Moody asked, walking back to the chalkboard and writing them down.

"Sir they are unforgivable, a use of any one of them will-" Hermione tried speaking, she kept blinking her eyes out of hesitation. Moody then cut her sentence short, finishing it for her.

"Earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct." Moody growled, aggressively writing on the board. "Now the Ministry says you're too young to know what these curses do, I SAY DIFFERENT." Moody spat, banging his fist on the front middle table, which happened to be Harry and Ron's.

"You need to know, WHAT YOU'RE UP AGAINST. You need to be PREPARED, you NEED to FIND a better place to PUT YOUR CHEWING GUM besides THE SIDE OF YOUR DESK, MR. FINNEGAN." Moody yelled, very aggressively turning back around to face the class, shooting daggers into Seamus's eyes as he watched the student put his gum under his desk.

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