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New years eve was pretty smooth so far, just a tony tension between Remus, Yvannah and Elodie.

Charleigh's been getting into an attitude lately..not the best thing that's happened to Elodie.

Elodie as well as the rest of the Jians, and Lupin, were getting ready to go to the Weasley's.
Elodie was doing her makeup in the bathroom when Charleigh came in, pushing Elodie out of the small room.

She then slammed the door with a sign on it from a muggle shop Charleigh visited and thought the sign was funny, right in Elodie's face. Elodie groaned and started banging, then she finally stopped and gave up, flipping the door off.

Elodie huffed and turned around swiftly, deciding to just get dressed

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Elodie huffed and turned around swiftly, deciding to just get dressed.

After slipping on an adorable white shirt with lettuce trims on the arms, as well as buckling up her pink overalls, she began to head downstairs.

"Ah! Elodie, uh, I sort of..wanted to speak to you very briefly if that's alright?" Remus asked.
"Oh, um, yeah, sure!" Elodie said while shaking her head.

He pulled her into the kitchen, making sure no one was around.

"I'm sorry if I..you know, made you feel uneasy about the engagement. We just wanted to wait for you to know so we could have your blessing, as well as being there for the wedding." Remus said, putting his hands on her shoulders.

Elodie realized he had a point, she shouldn't be upset with them for keeping their engagement a secret. It's better Remus than her biological father. She gave him a short smile, nodding.

"Yeah. Of course. You're a good guy, Remus." Elodie said.

He chuckled, and bowed his head as a thank you.

"Oh! Also, Sirius is going to join us tonight! Isn't that fun!" Remus said.

Elodie face palmed.
"I have to take care of a dog tonight?!" Elodie asked.

"No, I hope it's not a full moon tonight.. That'd be bad for Sirius and I. Oh well." Remus said. He walked off, leaving the girl in the kitchen.

Elodie sort of nodded to herself, inhaling and exhaling.

"MY ELLIEEE!" Fred yelled, wrapping his arms around her.
"Move out of the way, she's MY best friend!" George scoffed, pushing Fred out of the way.

"Dod you forget who her boyfriend was, you git?" Fred said, slapping the back of George's head.

"Didn't forget, just don't care." George replied, smirking at Elodie. She laughed, going in to kiss Fred.

"Where's the better Weasley?" Elodie yelled.

"COMING!" Ginny screamed from upstairs. Heavy footsteps were heard, and Ginny was now running up to Elodie and embracing her in a hug.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now