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The sun had its last streak of gold shining through the clouds. Everyone had eaten, danced to the music, laughed, played games, and hag really gotten closer together as a family. The people surrounding Elodie's life were her lifelong partners. She had her mom, her best friends, her godmother & godfather, siblings that weren't necessarily biological, and of course, Bruin.

Elodie had an idea, but knew it would be risky to get passed the parents. Of course, she needed the twins. She gathered the twins first, and let Imogen, Ron, Ginny, Charlie, Luna, and Cedric follow her outside.

"Sh sh sh...when George holds his hand up we run." Elodie said, whispering and laughing at the same time. She was outside of the tent, peeking her head through the sheer curtain in front of the entrance.

Fred and George were talking to Yvannah, Molly, and Arthur. As well as Amos, Cedric's dad, and Jules, Imogen's mum. They were good at catching everyone's attention. They kept asking each parent about which prank would be funnier to pull on Percy, who was sitting in a corner with his arms crossed and a blank expression on his face.

George quickly looked towards the curtain, shooting up his thumb and smugly putting it back down.

Elodie and her friends all ran to the lake right next to the burrow and Elodie's houses. Cedric was first to take his shoes and socks off, and jumping in with all of his clothes. Luna already, oddly enough had her shoes off, making it easier for her to just get in as softly as she could, but once the water touched her hips she tried to run into swimming.

Elodie was taking off her shoes and socks, when she heard the twins running and yelling as they took their shoes and socks off, too.

She waited for them to catch up to her and then ran with them. They all jumped in at the same time, making a very loud splashing noise.

Sadly enough, it made the parents come outside.
They found all of their children, swimming around in the lake besides the field.

Xenophilius, Luna's dad, was just calmly starring at the children while the other parents went to go scold their kids.

"CHARLES WEASLEY!" Molly yelled. Molly had a fashion with yelling at her kids. If it was more than one, she would point the eldest one out first. Charlie being Charlie, he swam away as fast as he could.

Yvannah wouldn't lie, it cracked her up a little. Seeing Charlie swim away from the trouble, Elodie leading them to go swimming fully dressed, and having all of her peers join her.

"FREDERICK GIDEON DON'T YOU DA-" Molly yelled, now aiming at Fred. He looked at George with his disbelieving face, and went underwater.

"YOU CAN'T STAY UNDER THERE FOREVER!" Molly yelled again. George followed, knowing he was next.

"I can't take these kids anymore! ARTHUR YOU TELL THEM!" Molly said, moving Arthur towards the edge of the lake. He opened his mouth, for only air to come out before Molly turned back around towards the lake.

"RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY YOU BARELY KNOW HOW TO SWIM! GINEVRA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE INFLUENCED BY YOUR BROTHERS!" Molly had finally cooled down, because the twins had gotten out of the water. Molly thought they came to their senses, but they gave her a big wet hug.

She screeched, jumping up and shoving them off. "If you wanted us out of the water, mum, you should've just came and got us." Fred said, lining up with George as they back-flopped into the water.

Yvannah didn't even think twice, before her own shoes and socks were off, joining the kids. Arthur and Amos started laughing, joining in.

One by one, all adults and kids found themselves in the lake. Except Molly, who refused. But later ended up in the lake anyways, thanks to Arthur pushing her in.

"Go dry off right now!" Yvannah said, laughing to Elodie as everyone started climbing out of the water. The sun had fully gone down, and she was walking with Imogen and Luna towards her house. The boys, all besides Ginny, were heading to the burrow to find their own clothes. Cedric was about the twin's size, so they would loan him some sleepwear.

As Elodie was handing Imogen and Luna dry clothes, Imogen spoke. "Why do the Weasley's call their home 'the burrow'?" Elodie stopped her actions, actually taking in her best friend's words. "I...actually have no idea." Elodie said, starting to giggle. Luna had looked at them, and explained, "My guess is they have so many kids. Burrows are for rabbits. Mr. and Mrs. Wealsey do have a lot of children." Luna finished. Elodie started to clap, praising Luna's intelligence. Imogen started to laugh, even making Luna smile a bit.

"Then what's your houses name, El?" Imogen asked. Elodie, once again, didn't know the answer. "Not sure, we definitely don't have as many kids, but a lot of people do come over." Elodie replied. "Luna, get on it." Imogen said, snapping and making everyone giggle.

"Your home isn't a bore, Elodie. It is quite the opposite, actually." Luna stated. Imogen agreed, making Elodie thank them both. Just as they were laughing, talking, and still thinking of a household name for Yvannah and Elodie, they heard a loud, ear piercing scream.

Imogen was the only one out of the three to cover her ears. Luna stood up, her eyes started to water. Elodie stood up slowly with her, studying her expression.

"That's my dad." Luna said, running downstairs.

"Luna, dear, please follow your dad home. There's been an accident." Molly said, putting her hand on the small of Luna's back, walking her out the front door.

Elodie ran out, following Luna. Elodie saw the small blonde hug her dad. Xenophilius was crying. He hugged Luna like it was his last.

"Mr. Lovegood, are you okay?" Elodie asked. He looked up at the girl, eyes tearing up all over again.

"Excuse me, Ms. Elodie, but Luna and I must get going now." Mr. Lovegood replied. Luna was still in her clothes, that's why she asked if Elodie could come really quick. The Lovegoods lived right behind the village they lived far next to, making their house about 15 minutes away. Elodie asked Yvannah to go, which Yvannah said yes, and that she would send a letter as fast as she could to tell her to come right back.

Elodie held Luna's hand, as she was scared because she's never seen her father so lifeless.
They approached the house that Luna grew up in, and Luna's dad couldn't go in again. There were men, carrying out a long table-like tray with a white sheet over it. Luna began to get worried.

The only reason Luna's mother did not join them this evening was because she was experimenting with her spells. Another one of the men came out shortly after the others, explaining that Pandora Lovegood had a tragic accident with her wand.

As the guy was explaining to the family of now 2, Elodie saw the metal table Mrs. Lovegood was on. Her hand dangled out from the sheet, fingers moving. She pointed it out to Luna, and they watched it with hope. The men dropped the table on the sand by the beach, wishing for the family and Elodie to look away. They did, but Luna's head turned soon after. Elodie being curious, followed Luna's actions. They saw the men mouth the last unforgivable curse. Finally letting the woman rest in piece.

Elodie had just seen someone die. But, she was there for Luna. Poor Luna was only 12, not deserving to witness or experience such a thing.

Elodie hugged Luna as tight as her arms would allow her, Luna sobbing into her neck. Elodie hasn't ever seen Luna so broken. In fact the only emotions Luna ever showed were happy or curious.

"Thank you." Luna breathed out. Elodie held her friend, until Yvannah had shortly called her back home.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now